On Hands and Knees

Paul Reiber
2 min readSep 7, 2019


Today’s two treasures are hands and knees. Let’s start with knees. I’ve two!

Today, finally, for the first time in years, I find them both fully functional.

It’s partly because my body weight is down, so neither knee has as much weight to support. For years, I’ve had a cane. My knees “almost worked”, allowing me to walk, sometimes jog, for decades — but clicking and popping. Really popping. Who needs ACLs anyway? Pfffft.

“Nice knees!”

Today I celebrate nimbleness! I can again imitate a flamingo on either leg. Something I’ve not done since I was sixteen or seventeen, imitating the ninjas.

It’s one thing to be “bipedal”, another entirely to be able to balance uni-pedally on either leg. At all, much less comfortably.

Hands are today’s second treasures.

They fly over the keyboard as I write these words. One handles some keys, the other handles the other keys. Magically, they dance together.

Own your hands, dear reader. Find within you the same thing which I found — that my left hand and my right hand also can dance and type. Each alone.

That’s three separate ways to “write” — bi-handedly, left-handedly, and right-handedly. Explore giving each hand a separate keyboard. See how that feels.

Own your hands, dear reader. Teach each to type, alone. It works! Try it!

Today’s Two Treasures are hands and knees. Both are yours. 🤜🤛

Appreciate, Comment, Savor, Spindle, Fold, or Mutilate as indicated.



Paul Reiber

Helping is my mission. I’m a Troubleshooter, Cloud Fixer, AI/OO/Python/C, RTB/Operations, Business Process Optimizer, Trainer, Documentation Editor, Listener.