Finding Your Way?
“In all your ways acknowledge him, / and he will make straight your paths.”
Recorded in, Proverbs 3:6
Finding your way?
The wee feathered creature in today’s picture was photographed yesterday, about 30 minutes after leaving the nest, which was located about 6 feet from our front door.
The branch of the crabapple tree is about 40 feet from the nest. The sibling was in the area, as was mom.
Since my good wife discovered the nest, with two eggs, about three weeks ago, she and our neighbor have shown great care and dedication in protecting the eggs and “hummy mummy”, and then the two tiny new lives.
The Lord watches over the sparrows, and humming birds as well. In fact, the psalmist writes:
“You open your hand; you satisfy the desire of every living thing.” (Psalm 145:16)
This little one likely doesn’t have it all figured out yet, and neither do we.
That’s why our text reminds us that the best, the most beneficial, and the most blessed way to find our way, is to bring the knowledge of God into and over everything we do.
So, how do we bring all our ways under the knowledge of God?
1. All our ways includes all our words.
The Bible tells us we’re accountable for every careless word we speak. Our words can tear down others, or build them up.
Our words announce the gospel. Our words bring comfort and encouragement. Our words spoken and sung can teach others to be like Jesus.
2. All our ways includes all our works.
Paul reminds us of what is to follow after we have been saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone:
“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:10)
3. All our ways includes all our wealth.
As followers of Jesus we need to know that all that we have is by God’s grace and mercy, and therefore it all actually belongs to Him anyway.
Whenever we start to think of some of it as just for ourselves, remember the outcome for a husband and wife who thought it was good to lie to the Lord about this (Acts 5:1ff).
4. All our ways includes all our witnessing.
Our lives, all the ways in which we think, speak and behave, are to be living witnesses to the gospel of Jesus Christ and to the glory of God.
Anything is our lives which detracts or distracts from these purposes should likely be discarded.
5. All our ways includes all our worship.
I shared a quote from Tim Keller earlier today:
“You don’t get to decide to worship. Everyone worships something. The only choice you get is what to worship.”
That which we think about the most, that which guides our lives and goals, that is what we worship.
Worship the Lord God Almighty, and Him only!
So, if we bring all our ways into and under the knowledge of God we will be on the right path.
Finding your way yet?
Soli Deo gloria!