My Experience with Sinningia

Reidsy Writes
1 min readSep 7, 2023


Sinningia are not quite succulents, but they do lend themselves towards caudiciform collectors. The tuber can be raised and exposed from the soil for a rather interesting look. This is a popular enough genus to have hybrids and cultivars. The flowers can be rather beautiful so I can see the appeal. For me, the appeal is as a caudiciform collector. Unlike many of the other talked about plants here, these are from South America. Sinningia bullata resides in Brazil as far as I know. Many grow on rocky hills and cliffs.

Care is a bit different than anything else in this book. I have found that my Sinningia does not like drying out at all. The leaves rapidly droop when thirsty. I aim to keep the soil slightly moist to avoid this. It took a little bit of getting used to though. I’ll admit that I underwatered it before getting used to it. While the plant requires bright light, too much can quickly burn the plant. With fertilizer and proper care, they will reward you with flowers that are beautiful. Just keep in mind that they do like to go dormant from time to time.



Reidsy Writes

Just a nerd that likes tech, plants, and animals