3 Types of Observation That Will Grow Your Memory and Observation Skills

Reignite You
3 min readMar 8, 2023


Observation is one of the most important skills that you can have. It is the key to understanding the world around you and making deductions based on the information that you gather. There are many different types of observation, each of which has its own benefits.

In this article, we will explore three different types of observation that will help you grow your memory and observation skills. You can also find a beneficial memory training course that is worth exploring. We will also look at how you can use these skills to improve your personality development and soft skills. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of how to use observation to grow your memory and observation skills!

What is observation?

Observation is the act of paying attention to the world around you and gathering non-interpretive information to understand the environment. It is not the same as analysis or interpretation; rather, it is a way of taking in the facts and letting them determine the conclusions you draw. Observation requires that you pay attention to details. It is important to be observant and take note of even the most minute details within your environment.

For example, you might observe the shape and colour of leaves on trees, the clothes that people are wearing, the type of food that is being served in a restaurant, or the way someone is speaking. All these observations will help you in understanding the area you are in and draw more accurate conclusions from the facts gathered.

The three types of observation

The three types of observation are physical observation, mental observation, and observational drawing. Physical observation refers to looking around and taking in the details of your environment. It includes things like recognising colours, shapes, and textures of objects. Mental observation is when you take the details that you observe and recall them in your mind or on paper. Observational drawing is when you take the data you have observed, and draw a picture of it to represent it.

Why observation is important

Observation is important because it helps us to gain a better understanding of the world around us. By taking in the details of our environment, we can make more informed decisions. It can also help us in problem-solving and can even boost creativity. Observation can teach us about the way people act, think, and behave, giving us a better understanding of our surroundings. This can help us when it comes to making the right decisions or even just understanding people better.

How to use observation in your daily life

There are many ways to incorporate observation into your daily life. One of the best ways to do this is to keep a journal where you can document the details of your environment and the things you observe each day. You can also try to increase your awareness by looking around, listening carefully, and taking mental notes. You can also use observational drawing as a creative outlet to document your observations.

Wrapping up

By using observation, you can grow your memory and observation skills and gain a better understanding of the world around you. Taking note of the details of your environment and recording them can help you with problems when it comes to making decisions, problem-solving, and boosting your creativity. It can also be a great way to improve your soft skills. So, the next time you are out and about, take time to observe the world around you and you will surely benefit from it.

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