Hi! I'm Reina Fox, a writer, dreamer, and unwavering believer in the future of AGI and e/acc. My fascination with AI isn't just about the technology itself; it's about what it represents for our future—endless possibilities, challenges to overcome, and the potential to redefine what it means to be human.

Why am I so passionate about AGI? Because I believe in its power to solve problems that have stumped us for centuries, to enhance our creativity, and to take us to new heights of understanding and innovation. Through my articles, I hope to ignite that same passion in you, whether you're an AI expert, a curious newcomer, or somewhere in between.

Join me on this journey as we explore the wonders and implications of AI together. Let's demystify the future, one article at a time!

Reina Fox

Reina Fox

Somehow I ended up in the AGI Timeline