Why not giving a shit actually matters

Reinvent Yourself
Re-Invent Yourself
Published in
4 min readApr 18, 2017

If people have a loud mouth then your ears should work like a filter

We are sure that you are here because you are one in many who are possibly frustrated or worried about what people think about you , and it’s perfectly normal because there are so many around you , You can’t go out shutting everyone’s mouth.

From how you look to how you cook, people are so random these days they can judge you on probably something you are not even related to.

But what can we do, they have a single mouth that speaks and they do not care when they blabber

But you obviously have two active ears and one active mind that should hear and process what YOU want. So how to get control of these important senses let’s find out-

  1. Confidence:

Confidence is not “they will like me”, confidence is “ I’ll be fine if they don’t”- Unknown

When you realize that no one gives a shit about what you do, then you become extremely confident.

I was pretty much used to wearing standard color combinations and did not really try something else only because I thought everyone was wearing the same kind of clothes and was afraid what other people would think of me.

But the key fact here is that other people are way too worried about themselves and even if they make a joke of you soon it will become a distant memory but if you don’t go for it (thinking about what others will think) then you’ll surely regret it later.

Just then I knew that my thoughts were just captivating me and when I made this mind shift I felt free.

2. Not afraid of failure

“I’m not afraid of failure, I am afraid of succeeding at things that don’t matter”- William Carey

When you don’t care about what others think, you own up to your losses.

You understand that people’s opinions will not help to solve your problem and crying or dwelling on your losses will be just a waste of the precious time given to you

I did not realize it until one day

So I was too fat for kids of my age and decided to get in shape. Having no access to gym I just went to a nearby park and started running and exercising.

But I was still scared to do my sets and reps thinking about what people would think if I fail. Or what would they think when they see me not being able to do even one push up or not being able to complete that stretch due to my fat stomach.

But this mindset of not giving a shit helped me to own my shit and just do it.

The world is criticizing you at all times no matter what you do, so if you start doing the same thing then you will not be able to achieve anything worthwhile in life.

Let others hate while you love yourself for who you are.

3. Not making a mountain out of a molehill:

Every second you spend thinking about what someone else has, you are taking away time from something you can create yourself”- Gary Vaynerchuck

Simply put, you don’t exaggerate trivial matters.

When you stop giving a shit about what that girl thinks about you

Or what your friends think about your work

Or what your relatives think about your career

AND you start thinking about yourself

It is that moment that makes you a good parent or a better son/daughter or a better spouse.

So re-inventors , do not tie your emotions to someone else or give the key to your emotions in someone else’s hand.

We all are given different cards in life but the challenge is to play the card you are given like it is the card that you wanted.

Get out of your thoughts and just do what makes you happy

And most importantly it has been rightly said that you are the average of five people around you — if you choose those five people wisely you shall not have depend on what others think about you!!


