Is Caffeine Healthy? 5 Awesome Caffeinated Facts

3 min readFeb 9, 2019


To caffeine or not to caffeine, that is the question.

I’ve personally made a conscious effort to increase my caffeine consumption after years of studying the effects that caffeine have on our health.

Sure, it sometimes gets a bad rap, and no doubt, too much caffeine is going to cause some problems, but in moderation, I’ve come to the conclusion that I am healthier with caffeine than I am without.

That’s right, I am increasing my caffeine intake for the associated health benefits.

Here are some facts about caffeine that you may not already know:

Caffeine Improves Memory

No doubt you know that caffeine makes you more alert. In fact, it improves your reaction time and logical reasoning as your brain is working faster.

Researchers have discovered that caffeine helps to consolidate your memory.

So if you have an interview, exam or match coming up, have a dose of caffeine about 45 mins beforehand and you’ll have faster reaction times and all the right answers.

Because it helps your mind be more alert and consolidates your memories, it can also help stave off neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

A daily dose of caffeine, from coffee or REIZE, can reduce your risk of these diseases later on in life.

Caffeine Helps You Get Fit Faster

Not only does caffeine increase your stamina during exercise, if you live an active lifestyle — lots of sports or gym activities — it can actually help you burn more calories during your work out.

Caffeine can also increase your endurance.

If you have a dose of caffeine and carbs after your work out, this will increase your muscle fuel meaning more reserves for your next workout.

It can also decrease any post work out pain by 48%.

Caffeine Increases Fertility (in men)

Men who consume caffeine on a regular daily basis generally have an increased volume of semen and significantly lower levels of sperm DNA fragmentation.

Scientists also say that a daily dose of 250–375g of caffeine can lower your risk of Erectile Dysfunction.

You are not doing it for you, think of your future children…and your partner.

Caffeine Puts Hair on Your Chest (or rather your head)

Amazingly tests have been done that prove that caffeine can actually make bald men or women regrow their hair.

However, the tests were carried out on cadavers.

So it can work, but it would require you to consume 6000g of caffeine after your heart has stopped. I agree it’s not the most ideal situation, still pretty cool.

Caffeine, you’re so magical.

Caffeine Makes You Happier

Caffeine is an amazing natural substance that is so versatile and so effective. It is almost identical to the chemical adenosine which we have swimming around in our brains.

Adenosine basically tells the brain when your body is tired. However, after you’ve consumed and absorbed caffeine your brain can’t tell the difference between the two.

So caffeine effectively blocks the adenosine from doing its job and tricks the brain into staying alert.

It starts to work after about 15minutes and can last up to 6 hours, depending on your physical and chemical make-up.

Not only does it make you more alert, but it also aids in releasing the happy-hormone dopamine.

So you’re happy, alert and aware.

This article was reproduced in part from our blog post:

You can also find more information about the potential consequences of too much caffeine here:




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