What are *args and **kwargs in Python Programming?

Reza Kalantar
3 min readMay 7, 2023


Image generated by Reza Kalantar


In Python, functions play a significant role in building efficient and reusable code. Sometimes, a function may require a flexible number of arguments, which can be difficult to handle with traditional fixed parameters. This is where the magic of *args and **kwargs comes into play. These powerful Python tools help developers create more adaptable and dynamic functions, making code more robust and versatile.

In this article, we will explore *args and **kwargs, understand their use cases, and learn how to apply them effectively in Python functions.

  1. Understanding *args:

args is a shorthand notation for “arguments.” It allows you to pass a variable number of non-keyword (positional) arguments to a function. The asterisk () before the parameter name is used to indicate that the function can accept any number of positional arguments. These arguments are then bundled into a tuple within the function.


def sum_numbers(*args):
result = 0
for num in args:
result += num
return result

print(sum_numbers(1, 2, 3, 4)) # Output: 10
print(sum_numbers(2.5, -2, 7, 10, 0)) # Output: 16.5

2. Utilizing **kwargs:

kwargs stands for “keyword arguments.” It enables you to pass a variable number of keyword arguments to a function. The double asterisks () before the parameter name signify that the function can accept any number of keyword arguments. These arguments are then packed into a dictionary within the function.


def print_user_data(**kwargs):
for key, value in kwargs.items():
print(f"{key}: {value}")

print_user_data(name="John", age=30, city="London")


name: John
age: 30
city: London

3. Combining *args and **kwargs:

You can use both *args and **kwargs in the same function to accept any combination of positional and keyword arguments. Just ensure that *args precedes **kwargs in the function definition.


def combined_args(*args, **kwargs):
for arg in args:
for key, value in kwargs.items():
print(f"{key}: {value}")

combined_args(1, 2, 3, name="Jen", age=25)


name: Jen
age: 25

Key Takeaways:

  • Use *args to accept a variable number of non-keyword (positional) arguments.
  • Use **kwargs to accept a variable number of keyword arguments.
  • Combine *args and **kwargs to handle any combination of positional and keyword arguments.

By mastering *args and **kwargs in Python, you can create more flexible functions that accept a variable number of arguments. This will lead to more adaptable and maintainable code, ultimately making you a more efficient Python programmer. Start incorporating *args and **kwargs in your projects and experience the benefits of this powerful feature.

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Reza Kalantar

Medical AI Researcher by Profession • Scientist/Engineer by Trade • Investor by Instinct • Explorer by Nature • Procrastinator by Choice