Horse Browser: embracing rabbit holes, following your curiosity & creating an internet that works for you

Saying goodbye to Arc

7 min readMay 9, 2024
My Horse Browser :) 🐴

The internet is a weird and wonderful place.

It holds a world of opportunities, new ideas, and exciting things to discover. I spend the majority of my time on the internet researching, learning, falling down rabbit holes and getting lost in the tangled threads of my various interests. I have been using, and loving, Arc browser for the past year. I love their distinction between spaces and profiles, the powerful command palette, and the robust AI features they have implemented. However, I have found that my rabbit holes (which are my primary use-case for surfing the internet) in Arc end up with me feeling lost. Lost in an unnerving way, rather than excited to be exploring unknown territory. I get lost in a swathe of tabs with no clear connection or signpost to how I got there, lost in a sea of bookmarks and articles, and lost in direction. How did I get here? Where was I going? This is frustrating, especially when researching for dedicated projects.

I want my rabbit holes to be enticing, exciting, and to foster a sense of wonder and curiosity, as opposed to being bogged down with managing overwhelm. I want to be able to step away from my research and trace my steps back to rediscover…

