No, your website does not need a feedback button
2 min readOct 13, 2016


Many websites add a feedback button to engage a visitor.

In theory that’s a great idea, engagement is key, right? Well, it depends on the context of the user who is visiting a website.

In the vast majority of cases, someone will visit a page to get some information, learn something new or check out some pricing or detail — not to provide feedback.

So if that feedback button is actually a burden on the User Experience of nearly all visitors it has exactly the opposite effect: It is disengaging. The problem is exacerbated on mobile of course, taking away valuable real-estate, often right at the bottom or on the side of the page which are areas users like to use to scroll.

Instead of having a feedback button on each page, include a feedback button or widget on the contact page. Someone who got to the contact page quite possibly wants to contact to you. Make that experience great and offer them the chance to leave feedback — that makes sense.

We happen to be in the feedback business so we know a thing or two about asking for feedback. We even have a Wordpress widget which is a feedback button and look at the following stat:-

Each month there are over 30k views of the widget that lead to only a couple of responses

So for 99,99% of the use cases the feedback button is annoying. That’s 10.000 reasons not to have it in the first place.

There are some use cases where a feedback button or widget is useful such as a lengthy transaction with a form or an app where a user spends a lot of time but if in doubt, don’t include it.

Feel free to check out our feedback button (but don’t install it, unless you really think it will improve the UX :) ) and use it to get in touch:

A feedback button



Goodbye surveys - Hello User Experience driven feedback! User (hence mobile) friendly and super simple. Net Promoter Score and Stop Start Continue question fans