What should your company stop doing?

1 min readJul 4, 2016


Ask yourself, your employees and partners — hey even clients who really know you that question instead of the typical “How satisfied are you with xyz?” to get more insightful responses.

You then should also ask

“What should our company start doing?”


“What should our company continue doing”

These three questions are known as the Stop / Start / Continue Strategy question.

It’s all down to the psychological effect of focusing on that action (stopping, starting or continuing) that makes it easier for people to give better feedback and it’s simple.

We like it so much that we developed a free, mobile friendly version that looks like this:

Stop / Start / Continue Interface

You can set yourself up with these three questions for free here:




Goodbye surveys - Hello User Experience driven feedback! User (hence mobile) friendly and super simple. Net Promoter Score and Stop Start Continue question fans