Umair Haque. Hack or Intellectual Communist?

Relentless Bill Robinson
6 min readSep 9, 2018


Both actually.

Let me recap. This morning I received yet another email from Medium, pleading with me to read more of their “content.” Their e-nagging is incessant.

You see, Medium fancies itself as the new HuffPo. I know, since I wrote for HuffPo for more than six years and since HuffPo stopped having outside contributors last year, there are any number of opportunistic copycats trying to fill that void (and get bought-up in an AOL-like transaction).

In this morning’s Medium missive, they were promoting an article by someone allegedly named Umair Haque (Hack? LOL) who had penned a piece called, “What America Still Doesn’t Understand About Fascism.” Well, this scribbler has certainly mastered the idea of creating a headline that will attract readers, although an angry reader like me.

What, I wondered, would this idiot posit that America doesn’t understand? But he does understand? Something an entire country of at least somewhat successful people I think, doesn’t ‘get’ but this oddly named foreigner fathoms precisely?

I won’t stand for people like Umair Haque.

Where is he from? I thought before even reading his article. Probably one of these poor, unfortunate, ghetto nations where all they can do is snipe at the USA; all they can do is criticize we Americans when they don’t allow women to drive or kill them for loving outside of their nationality/religion or hang them if they love their own gender or regularly disfigure their genitals. I could go on; I was just getting started. You get the idea. (The height of Haque’ hypocrisy: “The Terrible and Catastrophic Price of American Cruelty” American cruelty?)

I was very sure he was (or his people were) from somewhere where the preponderance of people are just dripping with bitterness and hatred for America in general and Americans entirely. Without a doubt he and his countrymen hate President Trump (“The Age of the Imbecile”). That goes without saying that he thinks Trump and Americans are all stupid and he and all others are intuitively smart.

But the really stupid thing … the really dangerous thing … is that Umair Haque hates everything America stands for: Liberty, the Individual, Self-determination; Entrepreneurship, Free Markets and all the other uniquely American values. Because he doesn’t have them. (“America Needs to Grow Up. But Can It?”)

Or perhaps because he thinks he’s smarter than these values. You see Umair Haque and everybody like him, always think they have a better idea. But that’s bullshit; they don’t have any such thing. Their alternative is mental, emotional and physical slavery just as we’ve seen in Yemen, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, North Korea, China, Venezuela (have you seen the state of THAT place?) and the entire former Soviet Union.

These places that also hate America, Democracy and Capitalism are Godforsaken hellholes deserving of a complete paving over, so they can be used as something more useful like parking lots. And they condemn America.

Then this utter moron, Umair Haque … this complete bumbling fool all gussied up as an intellectual genius knowing all about different countries and their forms of government, comes along with vicious, uneducated criticism of America.

The sophisticate Umair Haque from his Twitter account: disturbing

The stooge above writes for the Harvard Business Review? He’s got a few likely self-published books on Amazon, blah, blah, blah …

So let us get this straight: a guy who looks like the above miscreant is going to criticize the USA, while talking about how horrendous Capitalism is, how terrible Democracy is; while offering absolutely no alternative?

I think we can all guess his alternative form of economy and government. It’s Communism. It’s tyranny. It’s a Muslim theological dictatorship. Yeah right, that’s gonna be great.

A few points about the ghost-like Umair Haque.

  1. He appears “too big for his britches,” as my Grandmother used to say. I can’t stand people like Haque who speak down to the rest of us. So what that he went to London Business School. The English and the BBC are notorious America-haters. McGill University? Canadians are also green with envy; the jealousy just eating them alive, poor weak souls. This guy Haque has had a global training course in hating America. And the fact that he’s striving to kill off what he calls “dying Democracy,” just highlights his utter inanity, the way he can’t see his nose at the end of his face. All any sensible individual has to do to see the folly of fascism or communism around the world is open their eyes; are you paying attention Haque? You’re in the minority of the world’s thinking, educated people. Know what you don’t know genius. You’re not as smart or omniscient as you think you are.
  2. Haque loves using big words such as “eudaimonia” and others to impress the occasional reader or two he might lure into his web, while liberally sprinkling in LOLs. LOL. I never understood the attraction of using this three-letter acronym in place of a real laugh or a chuckle, ‘snortle’ or even a snicker. But Haque does like to use it when referring to how bad Capitalism is or Democracy is or America is.
  3. He opines about “predatory capitalism,” wringing his hands with false concern that it’ll turn into “fascism,” when all along that’s what he’s promoting. This is what a Communist does. There’s no significant difference between Fascism and Communism. Both result in massive poverty, human suffering, misery and eventually, disgusting death. And the United States is in no danger of falling into either, despite Haque’s shrieking warnings.
  4. I could find no indication that the sick-looking man with the disturbed look pictured above has actually lived in the USA. I could also find no indication as to where he was born; where he’s from. Perhaps he’s shy about these normally upfront geographies. Perhaps he’s hiding them intentionally, purposely whitewashing his background. I don’t hide my origins: I’m a proud American through and through. My ancestors weren’t immigrants, they were settlers having come here before the Mayflower. There’s been a Robinson fighting in every American war since the American Revolutionary War. We Robinson’s are proud of that. What is it that the Haque’s are not proud of?
  5. Haque’s father, apparently a “Pakistani economist” has spent a lot of time here in America, studying at the University of Chicago (well then, that explains a lot, many Americans who hate this country studied there), taught at Williams College and worked at The World Bank in Washington. Perhaps the son gets his deep-seated hatred of my country from the Old Man now back home happily wreaking havoc with his Socialist ideas on the economy of Pakistan in Islamabad. Though, there’s really no accounting for or solid psychological analysis of this kind of loathing and detestation of a country like America that in most sane, educated and honest societies around the world is held up as a beacon for how to run a country and take care of as many people as possible. It’s not perfect, we Americans readily admit. But it’s a damn-site better than all the others.
  6. OK, so Haque hates America: we get it. But how on Earth can he hate Capitalism so much? From whence is this emanating? It’s so nonsensical. It’s indecipherable.

So to Umair Haque, and to anybody else who thinks and writes like he does, I say this: you know there’s no better place on this planet than the United States of America.

Somewhere in Haque’s foolish dribbling he calls ‘writing,’ he states Americans don’t know how to debate. Haque doesn’t know what he’s talking about. I’ll debate you anytime anywhere Mr. Haque. As long as our debate takes place in the USA. Let’s do it. Let’s debate the superiority of Capitalism over Socialism/Communism or America over the rest of the world.

You’ll lose.



Relentless Bill Robinson

Homeless Advocate, Business, Technology, & Politics Journalist; written for Fortune, Forbes, WSJE, Financial Times and The Huffington Post for last seven years.