4 Common Challenges faced by NDIS Service Providers

Rello Inc
3 min readJul 27, 2021

The work that NDIS service providers do to make the lives of NDIS participants easier is not easy. Just like service providers in other industries face challenges, NDIS service providers also face challenges.

The challenges faced by NDIS service providers are numerous but we have identified 4 common challenges that are faced by almost every NDIS service provider in the country.

Let’s read about the challenges one by one in detail.

1. Increased Overheads and Repetitive Processes

The biggest challenge that is faced by NDIS service providers is increased overheads due to repetitive processes.

How does this happen? Let us understand it.

The service providers have to address and process the claims that are made by the participants. The process of address the claims and executing them is very repetitive. Staff members have to carry out the same tasks over and over again.

Repeating the same task increases the organization’s overheads and leads to inefficiency among the staff members. Also, the staff cannot focus on more critical aspects of the business.

2. Rostering

Managing a roster is the next big challenge that is faced by NDIS service providers.

When the size of the organization is small, it is easy to maintain a roster but once an organization reaches a considerable number of employees and clients, rostering becomes a difficult task.

In the roster, information such as participants’ addresses, schedules, personal preferences, etc is stored. The problem arises when a lot of information is put on the roster and it becomes difficult for the staff to comprehend it.

Rostering, when not done properly, can lead to gaps or double-bookings which may lead to last-minute changes and replacements.

There would be no NDIS service provider who would want improper rostering to happen but it is a challenge faced by providers at some or the other stage in their journey.

3. Keeping Up-to-Date with the Pricing Structure

In the NDIS framework, the prices keep on changing frequently. Therefore, it is obvious that the service providers be up-to-date with the pricing too.

The framework in place can be difficult to understand from time to time as it involves different payment types for different categories.

Updating correct prices across different categories on paper and google sheets can be complicated as well as time-consuming because it involves a lot of data that needs to be corrected and then presented to the customers.

4. Maintenance of Client Progress Notes

Client notes are the most important piece of database that the service providers are legally bound to maintain.

Every participant has a unique progress note and the number is not limited to one. A participant can have as many progress notes as the goals that they want to achieve.

NDIS service providers have to maintain multiple client notes at the same time. In addition to that, they are required to ensure constant communication between them and the participants to ensure that the goals are being met.

When the number of clients increases, the number of progress notes also increases. Thus, it becomes a challenge for NDIS service providers.


The problems that we read about are the most common challenges that are faced by NDIS providers. As the number of participants increase, service providers are going to face these challenges more. But, for every problem, there is a solution. To overcome these challenges, NDIS service providers can make use of a Customer Management System (CMS). The benefits of a customer management system include solutions to these common challenges that are faced by the service providers in this industry.

At Rello — Your relative to the NDIS, we believe that disability shouldn’t stop you from doing anything and encourage you to play tennis. We help NDIS participants, registered NDIS providers, support workers and support coordinators with many solutions. Join our growing community and visit rello.com.au to learn more about what we do.

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