Anders Abrahamsson | RE:LOVE THE WORLD
Anders Abrahamsson | RE:LOVE THE WORLD

Hi! My name is Anders Abrahamsson, and I want to RE:LOVE THE WORLD.

All things I do is driven by this purpose. And the things I think, I strive to support the things I do.

And the things I do is dominated by creating!


As a MultiCreator, I create different kinds of stuff, for a potentially infinite number of contexts.

—As a DJ, I create stories called Mix Compilations, using other people's creations to weave together my own story. A specific concept of mixing is my idea of #ThePomodoroMix - where a mix of 25m or 45m is there for you - for Focus, Work, Exercise, Meditation & Well-Being! In this loop, a long overdue aspiration and intention to actually produce, design, and compose my own sounds and 'musics' is there to be realized and materialized! As a DJ, I hold Five (5) Artist Aliases, where I feel three of them open up for The Composing in the first room - #aBreathing, #aFlow, and #aPulsation. (The other two DJ aliases are Papa Abbie and DJ Anders).

—As a Writer and Designer, I create stories that can be told through Text and Images. In focus - here and now! - is to set up platforms for The Writing and Imaging of One Book Series – #TheFlowBooks – and Five (5) Standalone Books, Two Open-Ended Contemporary Writing Outlets / Platforms (Open Talks and "The Other").

Taken together, my stories of music, texts and images, are used as mediums to serve your higher purpose.

I want to see you develop and prosper.

I want to know your dreams.

I want to know you.


If you are foolish enough to tell me your dreams—then I will remind you of them, and help you fulfill them :) !

One of the clearest definitions of love and respect, could be?

To help your fellow human being realize his/her/hir/hes/they/theirs dream(s)?

I love supporting the capabilities and gifts, especially as a tutor and mentor!


These are my sharings—on an individual level.


As an Ideator and Conceptualizer, I create new stuff and try to figure out new ideas and concepts. Ideas I come up with more than often require the confluence of teams.

I love co-creating!

And more than anything, I love creating events, where people come together and do exactly that – to create together!

Events, co-created, often comes with a soundtrack.

I love creating events where music is the main character, dance is the main plot and love/respect the main theme - and the co-experienced result of the get-to-gether!

Yes - with this, the co-creating results in a sense of community - where the smaller team of 'we' turn to a bigger sense of 'us'!

With a shared force of love, and a strong sense of hope. Peace, in the making! A peace, that begins and ends with a smile!

Me, you, we, and us — as should be!

Enjoying music as a means of living a joyful and meaningful life!

And this touches upon one of my strongest [research] interests - the topic "music for health".

I have implicitly researched this since I was five, and fell in love with music for the first time - and sure a love that will last beyond this life, all the way into The Afterworld. Or, as I prefer to say - #TheOtherWorld.

Still, the mission is not over in #ThisWorld. As you see!


Here on Medium, I feel I have a great platform to get leverage for the creations ending up with products called articles and books - one posting at a time!

In process are a few collections and sub-themed publications where I try to loose-hard connect recurring topics in my thinking, writing, and doing. With the emphasis on the latter!

Doing is focus, and practice is learning!


One of the more life-long insight areas I want to contribute to is Institutional Entrepreneurship, following my generic interest in the research field of Entrepreneurship, with the overall focus on "non-commercial entrepreneurship". I have earlier contributed to the area where Sustainability and Entrepreneurship are joined in a joint force - "sustainopreneurship".

And I do believe I've found a project where all my areas of doing come together - in one! A Senior PhD Project that integrates all my flows of life and love. Prospering!

I have mentioned intended publishing flows of both popular and academic in more detail, in an editorial update here on medium, which will be reflected as bullets in summary in my general "about page" here when things develop along the way.

Editor of Open Talks
Connect with Anders Abrahamsson | RE:LOVE THE WORLD
Anders Abrahamsson | RE:LOVE THE WORLD

Anders Abrahamsson | RE:LOVE THE WORLD

Aikido/Music/Yoga/Running. MultiCreator. DJ/Producer–Writing/Images–Ideas/Concepts/Events. #Music4Health Researcher. Institutional Entrepreneur. Having fun! <3