Installing Regolith for Kali

Remco Verhoef
1 min readJul 6, 2019


When I’m using Kali, first thing I do is (besides configuring Colemak) installing the i3 window manager. Since Regolith Linux there is an easy way to install a well configured i3 environment, which uses i3-wm combined with Gnome’s configuration.

Regolith can be installed by Ubuntu PPA, but as the name says, it is only available for Ubuntu. As both Kali and Ubuntu are based on Debian, it is possible to install the PPA on Kali.

first add the source repository to your /etc/apt/sources.list:

echo deb disco main > /etc/apt/sources.list

next you’ll need to install the key:

apt-key adv — keyserver — recv-keys 76458020C35556DC

update the new sources configuration:

apt update

installing regolith will now fail, because it misses one specific ubuntu package, which can be installed manually:

dpkg -i 

now is everything set to install the regolith-desktop package:

sudo apt install regolith-desktop

This will install and preconfigure your complete i3-wm installation. You’ll find the keybindings here:



Remco Verhoef

Founder @ DutchSec // // // SlackArchive // Dutchcoders // OSC(P|E) // C|EH // GIAC // Security // DevOps // Pythonista // Gopher.