How to use Remedial Rx to ensure Good Pharmacy Practice (GPP)

Remedial Health
5 min readJan 12, 2023


Medications are essential for effective healthcare provision but they are also expensive because of various economic factors and so they feel out of reach for the everyday patient.

No wonder substandard and counterfeit medicines are on the rise — and attractive. They offer a cheaper alternative to unsuspecting individuals. So, there is a need for a system to ensure a safe and effective medication supply for the prevention and treatment of patients.

Since the community setting is the most accessible healthcare facility available in Africa — and also partners with other health institutions, many times, medicines and other forms of basic healthcare are accessed there. For this reason, there is a need to ensure it is up to standards.

In today’s piece, we would be exploring how to use Remedial Rx for good pharmacy practices — to make sure that In the community setting, pharmacists are able to deliver and make sure the trust and expectations the general population places on them are met and exceeded.

Would you like to adhere to good pharmacy practice and deliver quality health care?

Keep reading to learn more.

What is good pharmacy practice?

Good Pharmacy Practice (GPP) is the practice of pharmacy that responds to the needs of clients that require the services of a pharmacist. The existence of a set national framework of quality standards is crucial to the support of the GPP.

Requirements of good pharmacy practice

  • The top priority of a pharmacist in every given situation should be the well-being of his or her patients.
  • A pharmacy’s primary focus is assisting patients in getting the most out of their medications. Other functions include the quality supply of medication, patient counselling, medication administration and monitoring medications for effects of usage.
  • Pharmacists’ involvement should promote sensible and cost-effective prescribing and dispensing.
  • Pharmacists should have input in decisions about the use of medicines. A system should exist that enables pharmacists to report and obtain feedback about adverse events, medicine-related problems, medication errors, misuse or medicine abuse, defects in product quality or detection

Setting standards for a good pharmacy practice

The International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) has emphasized the importance of defining roles played by pharmacists and recommends that pharmacy professional bodies consider the roles, functions and activities of pharmacists below

  • Preparing, acquiring, securing, distributing, administering, dispensing and discarding medical products:
  • Pharmacists should ensure that medicine preparation areas are designed to permit ease of extemporaneous preparations and are maintained in a manner that reduces the potential for medication errors while assuring the safety of medical products.
  • Pharmacists responsible for procurement should ensure that there is a reliable information system in place which provides accurate and timely information.
  • Pharmacists should develop with manufacturers, wholesalers and other stakeholders for an uninterrupted supply of essential medicines as part of a disaster or emergency preparedness strategy.
  • Pharmacists should ensure that appropriate facilities, trained personnel, standard dispensing practices and documentation procedures are in place in the pharmacy to supply and dispense prescribed medicines.
  • Pharmacists should assess and evaluate all paper or electronic prescriptions received, considering the therapeutic, social, economic and legal aspects of the prescribed indication(s) before supplying medical products to the patient.
  • Providing effective medication therapy management.
  • Pharmacists should ensure that medicines are linked to standard treatment guidelines, protocols and treatment pathways.
  • Pharmacists should have a key role in educating prescribers on the appropriate use of medicines including the required monitoring parameters and prescribing adjustments.
  • Pharmacists should document necessary clinical and patient data to assess and monitor medication therapy and perform point-of-care testing for patients in order to monitor and adjust therapy when needed.
  • Maintaining and improving professional performance.
  • Pharmacists should take steps to update their knowledge and be engaged in implementing new technology such as setting up inventory management software and updating their knowledge on changes to information on medical products.

How to ensure GPP

To meet up with FIP standards for GPP in your pharmacy you need Remedial Rx. Remedial Rx combines the use of pharmaceutical procurement innovations, inventory financing solutions, and pharmacy operations/patient management solutions that can help you be the best pharmacy or patent medicine store.

Below are key features that make Remedial Rx ideal for your business:

  • Secured Patient Medication (PMR) System:

Remedial Rx has a Secured Patient Medication (PMR) System that helps you access records and share real-time patient data and medication records all in one place. You can discover disease patterns in your demographic and know how best to cater to patients’ needs.

  • Error-proof Order Processing:

Remedial Rx helps automatically validate orders against original prescriptions from clinics/wards Etc. Dispense medicine safely with unique barcode validation (in your inventory records) for a similar one. This feature will help you avoid medication errors that can be harmful to patients and the reputation of your pharmacy or patent medicine store.

  • Auto stock replenishment:

This will help automatically replenish stocks once it reaches your set benchmark and also manages soon-to-expire products. This feature solves the problem of tracking expiration dates for all your stock. This will help you track sales so you can notice the periods during which you make more sales.

  • Procurement of medicines at discount rates:

Due to the expensive nature of medicines, there is a surge in counterfeit and substandard medicines. With Remedial Rx, you don’t need to worry about counterfeit medicines or the high cost of medicines. You can bypass multiple middlemen, avoid outrageous delivery and transportation costs, enjoy the best direct-from-manufacturer rates, and sell at competitive or market prices. At Remedial Health, our products come from trusted brands and vetted manufacturers. Our private-label medicines are secured with anti-counterfeit Mobile Authentication Service (MAS).

  • Simplified patient communication:

Remedial Rx has a chat feature that is integrated with SMS services for order notifications or campaigns that helps patients order medicines easily and reconcile on arrival. This feature lets you know what your patients want and knowing the needs of your patients is a step to serving them better.

Closing Thoughts

Ensuring good pharmacy practice (GPP) can be tasking and somewhat difficult, especially with these increased responsibilities and demands. But with Remedial Rx, you are equipped to take on more and excel at your business because our platform will streamline your day-to-day operations, manage inventory and make procurement easier. For more information on Remedial Rx and how Remedial Health partners with neighbourhood pharmacies and patent medicine stores to ensure efficient, cost-effective healthcare provision, visit

