How to use Remedial Rx to maximize profits in your Pharmacy or Patent Medicine business

Remedial Health
5 min readMay 14, 2022


Pharmacies and patent medicine businesses play an essential role in health care provision. They dispense and sell medications, educate patients on safe medication usage and provide a wide range of consultation services. Pharmacies and patent medicine businesses are easily accessible and are usually the first line of contact within a health care system. You can walk into any pharmacy or patent medicine business without an appointment and get personalized advice on health and medications. Over time, the roles of pharmacies and patent medicine businesses have evolved. Today, pharmacies and patent medicine businesses are involved in immunizations, chronic disease management, wellness screening, and medication therapy management. With these increased responsibilities, your pharmacy or patent medicine business may find it difficult to make profits. This is why you need tech interventions like Remedial Rx.

Remedial Rx is an app that helps you procure medicines at affordable direct-from-manufacturer rates. It also helps you handle day-to-day operations in your pharmacy or patent medicine store. With Remedial Rx, you can manage inventory, keep updated patient medical records and order medicines as needed. In this piece, learn more about the challenges pharmacies and patent medicine businesses face and how you can maximize your profits using Remedial Rx.

Challenges that affect profits in pharmacies and patent medicine businesses

Here are reasons why your pharmacy or patent medicine business may not be making profits:

● Increased responsibilities:

Pharmacies and patent medicine businesses do more than just dispense and sell medications. They have been charged with more responsibilities like medication therapy, disease management, etc. For instance, In Nigeria, pharmacies and patent medicine businesses have been given the license to diagnose and treat diseases like malaria and typhoid. The manual workflow associated with these responsibilities has resulted in work stress which has caused attention to be shifted off maximizing profit.

● Poor medication adherence:

When patients take their medications as prescribed, patients boost their chances of staying healthy and well. But when medications prescribed are not adhered to, treatment failures, hospitalizations, and loss of lives will occur. Non-adherence to prescriptions means missed refills and lost profits.

● Reduced patient satisfaction:

With increased workload and responsibilities, pharmacies and patent medicine businesses are stressed beyond the limit. There exists little or no care about establishing customer relationships that can help boost profit.

● Manual processes:

One of the biggest roadblocks to increasing profits in your pharmacy or patent medicine business is manual operations. Operating your pharmacy or payment medicine business manually will yield inaccurate inventory, wasted time and resources, and decreased patient and staff satisfaction which will in time reduce profit. With an automated mode of operation, you will be able to keep up with the competition with other pharmacies and patent medicine businesses and make a profit.

Keep reading to learn how to make profits in your pharmacy or patent medicine business.

Importance of technology in your pharmacy or patent medicine business

A typical day in a pharmacy or patent medicine store involves a variety of routine activities that are centred on your patients. No matter how efficient or hard you work, you may not be able to meet the increasing demands, especially with more people walking into your premises. This slows down operations, increases patient dissatisfaction and reduces profits.

You need to resort to technology to help you;

● Automate tedious manual processes.

● Maximize profits.

You don’t need just any technology, you need Remedial Rx.

Why Remedial Rx?

Remedial Rx was built for pharmacists and patent medicine vendors. It has the key features you need in maximizing profit because it streamlines your pharmacy or patent medicine business operations, helps you procure medicines at affordable rates, and limits work stress.

How to use Remedial Rx to maximize profits

Below are the features of Remedial Rx you can use to maximize profits in your pharmacy or patent medicine business:

● Secured Patient Medication (PMR) System:

With this system, you can access records and share real-time patient data and medication records all in one place. Records are important because they help you make decisions based on facts. With the PMR system of Remedial Rx, you can be able to decipher disease patterns in your location and know the medications, and stock them more. This feature helps you meet up with demand and make more profit. More importantly, you don’t need capital to get the stock you require.

● Auto stock replenishment:

You can automatically replenish stocks once it reaches your set benchmark and also manages soon-to-expire products. This feature solves the problem of tracking expiration dates for all your stock. This will help you track sales so you can notice the periods at which you make more sales. By tracking sales and noting your peak times, you will know when to deploy more staff to the counter or not. Plan to stock more inventory in advance.

● Procure Medicines at discounted rates:

To maximize profit in your pharmacy or patent medicine business, you can procure medicines at discounted rates and sell them at competitive or at market prices. By bypassing multiple middlemen and ridiculous delivery and transportation costs with Remedial Rx, you get the best direct-from-manufacturer rates and make the most profit margins. Download Remedial Rx to enjoy this feature and maximize profits.

● Simplified patient communication:

Remedial Rx has a chat feature that is integrated with SMS services for order notifications or campaigns. Patients can order medicines via chat easily and reconcile on arrival. This amazing feature will boost customer loyalty resulting in more profits.

● Pay only what you dispense:

You can now prevent losses from expiry and damaged goods and maximize your profits by exploring Remedial Rx’s pay only what you dispense option. With this feature, you will never waste money on expired goods. Download Remedial Rx to get started.

● Reduce lead time:

When a customer orders a unique product, the rate at which you get it to them can turn a prospective client into a loyal client. In this instance, this gives you an edge over your competitors. When you order from Remedial Rx you reduce lead time to a day or less.

Closing thoughts

Running a pharmacy or patent medicine business can be difficult, especially with the increased responsibilities and demands. With Remedial Rx to streamline day-to-day operations, manage inventory and make procurement easier, you can maximize profits. To download Remedial Rx and start maximizing your profits in your pharmacy or patent medicine business, click here now.

