How to use Remedial Rx to promote Customer Retention and Loyalty

Remedial Health
5 min readJun 17, 2022


The average African person is aware of how crucial pharmacies and patent medicine stores are to the health of a community. Pharmacies and patent medicine stores do not just dispense medicines, they provide a wide range of services such as vaccinations, first aid services, rapid diagnostic tests, etc. While pharmacies and patent medicine stores are established to help patients, there is no denying that it is a business. A business without customers is doomed to collapse; without customers, there will be no sales and without sales, there will be no profit. Are you wondering how to get loyal customers and retain them in your pharmacy or patent medicine store? Keep reading as we uncover the secret to getting loyal customers while retaining them.

Customer retention or Customer loyalty?

Customer retention and customer loyalty are two distinct concepts that are often misconstrued as one. While both are crucial to the growth and success of your pharmacy or patent medicine business, mixing them up can impede you from developing effective strategies.

Customer retention

Customer retention is your pharmacy or patent medicine store’s ability to minimize customer defections over a specific period. It is a test of your ability to get customers to make continuous purchases and spend more money on your products and services.

To determine the rate of customer retention in pharmacy or patent medicine stores, you need to evaluate the following;

  1. How many repeat customers do I have?
  2. What is the product utilization interval or how frequently are my products utilized by customers?

Customer loyalty

Customer loyalty is a customer’s decision to keep patronizing your pharmacy or patent medicine store because they believe you provide the best combination of quality product, customer experience, and price. You will not lose customers to competitors due to reasons like advertising or a better price if you have a high level of customer loyalty. Loyal customers can help drive sales by testimonials and word-of-mouth. Customer loyalty is based on the value they receive from your pharmacy or patent medicine store and not on the better or cheaper deals they can get from competitors.

The coexistence between customer retention and customer loyalty

The two terms may be distinct but they are interrelated. One is dependent on the other. Boosting customer retention starts when you pay attention to boosting customer loyalty. Retention is measured by the continued patronage of an existing customer. The main focus of customer retention is to avoid revenue loss and it is purely transactional. Customer loyalty is usually measured before transactions. You might want to figure out what causes customers to be dissatisfied and unhappy to prevent the future occurrence or convert satisfied customers to loyal ones that will keep patronizing your business while recommending it to others.

An improvement in customer loyalty will result in an improvement in customer retention. The two are essential in the growth and success of your pharmacy or patent medicine store. Focusing on customer retention without doing the same for customer loyalty will make your efforts futile.

How to promote Customer retention and customer loyalty

Operating a pharmacy or patent medicine store is no easy task due to the daily operations. It is easy to become overwhelmed and stressed out. An overwhelmed and stressed staff would be less focused on customer service; work output will be low and progress will be in a decline. As stated priorly, customers are essential to the success, growth, and continuity of your pharmacy or patent medicine business. No matter how efficient or hardworking you and your team are, you will never be able to effectively fix the challenges above. We live in a fast-paced world and to cope with the pace, you need technology. You need Remedial Rx!

How to Remedial Rx to promote Customer Retention and Customer Loyalty

Remedial Rx is a user-friendly app that helps you streamline your pharmacy or patent medicine store’s operations effectively. It can be downloaded here. An effectively operated pharmacy or patent medicine store would automatically result in happy and satisfied customers. Satisfied customers tend to become loyal and retained over time.

Remedial Rx will help you attain customer retention and loyalty through the following features:

  1. Secured Patient Medication (PMR) System: With this system, you can access records and share real-time patient data and medication records all in one place. With the PMR system of Remedial Rx, you can decipher disease patterns in your location and know the medications, and stock them more. This feature helps you meet up with demand and make more profit.
  2. Procure Medicines at discounted rates: To increase customer patronage in your pharmacy or patent medicine business, you can procure medicines at discounted rates and sell them at competitive or at market prices. Get the best direct-from-manufacturer rates and make the most profit margins today! Download Remedial Rx
  3. Lead time reduction: When a customer orders a unique product, the rate at which you can get it to him/her can turn a prospective client into a loyal client. In this instance, this gives you an edge over your competitors. When you order from Remedial Rx you can reduce lead times to 24 hours or less.
  4. Auto stock replenishment: You can automatically replenish stocks once it reaches your set benchmark and also manages soon-to-expire products. This feature solves the problem of tracking expiration dates for all your stock. This will help you track sales so you can notice the periods at which you make more sales. By tracking sales and noting your peak you will know when to deploy more staff to the counter.
  5. Simplified patient communication: Remedial Rx has a chat feature that is integrated with SMS services for order notifications or campaigns. Patients can order medicines easily and reconcile on arrival with this amazing chat feature. This feature will boost customer service and loyalty.

Closing Thoughts

Customer retention and loyalty will always be key players in your pharmacy or patent medicine business so start getting accustomed to it. Imagine opening your pharmacy or patent medicine store one beautiful morning only to find out by midday a quarter of your clientele has left you for your competition. Bitter pill right? Not only that, it could as well be the beginning of the end of your pharmacy or patent medicine store because some lost customers can never be recovered. Download Remedial Rx to avoid tales of gloom..

