Pharmacies and Patent Medicine Stores Ensuring Health For All

Remedial Health
5 min readApr 6, 2023


The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not just the absence of infirmity. According to the WHO, health is the right of every human regardless of race, colour, creed.

“Health for all” is a concept that refers to breaking barriers that stand against health. The developmental inequalities that plague different nations in the world enables ill health due to lack of resources in promoting health and controlling diseases. One of the lessons learnt from the COVID-19 pandemic is inclusivity and the importance of everyone which perfectly aligns with the ‘health for all’ mandate. We all experienced the panic that accompanied the pandemic one way or the other via personal experience, news, workplace etc. All it took was one person to infect a hundred people, and that reinforced the need to ensure everyone is healthy.

To achieve health for all, primary health care systems around the world need to be improved. This implies patient centricity, care continuity, accessibility, health education, cost effectiveness and fairness in healthcare delivery. Healthcare at the grass root level must be prioritized to lower health cost, reduce the burden on medical workers and increase life expectancy.

“The first wealth is health’’ These famous words by American Philosopher, Ralph Waldo stresses that health is the bedrock upon which humans erect the foundation of life.

In this piece created to commemorate World Health Day 2023, we highlight what Pharmacies and Patent Medicine Stores can do to ensure that good health becomes a reality for all.

Why Pharmacies and Patent Medicine Stores?

Just like the first runner in a relay needs to set the pace for the other runners, the same applies to pharmacies and patent medicine stores in Africa. They are usually the first point of contact because they are more accessible and available in every corner of many communities. In recent years, the role of Pharmacies and patent medicine stores involve patient care, administration and public health.

An integration between pharmacies and hospitals will better cater to patients. For instance, pharmacies and patent medicine stores can assist with patient referrals and making recommendations to eliminate problems like adverse drug reactions.

The COVID-19 pandemic exposed the limitations of global healthcare systems. Pharmacies and patent medicine stores had to rise to the occasion as they took on more roles: vaccinators, educators, point-of-care testers, medication delivery, drug interactions and monitoring.

Ensuring Health For All

To ensure everyone is healthy, there is a need to be aware of the barriers to health. The first step to a solution lies in identifying the existence of the problem.

In 2020, the WHO highlighted health issues for the next decade which involves ‘a decade of action’. We are already in the third year and these issues are still standing tall. In addition to the health sector, governments, international organizations and all other sectors must respond to these issues for resolution to occur.

How Pharmacies and Patent Medicine Stores tackle Barriers to Health

Certain barriers to health exist. Below are some of them and how pharmacies and patent medicine stores can combat them:

  • Climate Change

Climate change can cause the weather to alter the temperature of a place which has the tendency to introduce diseases to new places. The warm temperatures across Europe for example has led to an increase in mosquito borne diseases causing health complications in populations living in these areas. Also, more than one-fourth of deaths from stroke, lung cancer and other respiratory diseases are caused by air pollutants that trigger global warming.

Pharmacies and patent medicine stores can play a role in the fight against climate change by reducing the environmental impact of medicine usage through reduced bulk medicine purchases and proper disposal of drugs.

  • Inequalities in Healthcare delivery

Health for all will only be plausible when health practitioners begin to look beyond gender, age, colour and socio economic class. Inequalities in health can reduce life expectancy and increase disease burden.

Reducing inequalities in healthcare, starts at the primary level. Pharmacies and patent medicine stores can provide health services to rural and remote areas and set up tools in place to discourage bias. For instance, hiring staff that represent underrepresented groups (e.g. skin tone, gender, race etc.)

  • Lack of access to medicines

In Africa, medicines are expensive and scarce due to the few numbers of drug manufacturers. This often pressures patients to seek cheaper options which could be counterfeit. Medicines are important to healthcare because they help to relieve pain and eliminate sickness.

Pharmacies and patent medicine stores can help in ensuring medicines dispensed are safe and affordable by patronizing the right suppliers and also sensitize the public on the dangers of taking medications without prescriptions.

  • Disease burden of communicable and noncommunicable diseases

According to the WHO, communicable diseases like Tuberculosis (TB) malaria, HIV, neglected tropical diseases are among the leading causes of mortality in developing countries which is a major health concern. Noncommunicable diseases like heart disease, stroke, cancer and diabetes are responsible for 74% of all deaths worldwide and affect both developed and developing countries. These diseases are a threat to not just health but socio-economic development. A multifaceted approach is required in the fight against them.

Pharmacies and patent medicine stores should be actively involved in point-of-care testing, health education, and administering vaccines. In regions like Africa, point-of-care tests are fast rising to rapidly diagnose and treat diseases.

  • Lack of technology and innovation

Technology allows for flexibility and a reduction in medical errors in healthcare delivery. Certain processes in healthcare need to be automated to allow for efficiency. From wearable devices to Internet health care and health informatics; technology can ensure inhabitants of rural or remote communities access health care. Data-tools such as patient medical records can help understand how best to cater to patients and improve customer experience and satisfaction.

Pharmacies and patent medicine stores can partner with brands like Remedial Health to access Remedial Rx–a tool that helps to streamline pharmacy and patent medicine store operations, and procure pharmaceuticals at manufacturer rates. Tools like Remedial Rx help pharmacies and patent medicine stores run efficiently.

Closing Thoughts

Health systems of the world need to be reorientated on how important pharmacies and patent medicine stores are to healthcare delivery and continuity. The COVID-19 pandemic should be proof enough that this arm of healthcare has so much untapped potential. The goal of ‘health for all’ is a call to action for all and sundry whether you are in the health, agricultural, finance, mining or sports sector. To find out practical ways to ensure a safe and healthier world, visit the Remedial Health Blog.

