The Impact of Just-In-Time Inventory in Community Pharmacies

Remedial Health
6 min readNov 29, 2023


In the heart of a small town, there stood a community pharmacy known to all as “Palmwood Pharmacy.” For years, this was the go-to place for residents seeking remedies for ailments.

However, over the years, Palmwood Pharmacy faced a growing challenge– managing inventory efficiently. The shelves were often cluttered with bottles of medicines, some collecting dust as they neared their expiration dates, while others were perpetually out of stock.

It became a struggle to maintain the right medications in the right quantities while avoiding unnecessary waste. This dilemma was especially concerning, as the primary objective of providing patients with the right medications at the right time had not been realized.

Patients grew more dissatisfied with the customer service and soon Palmwood was a shadow of itself. After much brainstorming, few concepts came up but one shone brighter than the others.

It was a concept that involved maintaining only the minimum amount of inventory necessary to meet immediate customer demand. The transformation was remarkable and the cluttered shelves began to make way for a more streamlined, organized display of essential medications, each arriving just when it was needed.

Patients no longer had to hear the scary phrase, “Sorry, we’re out of stock,” and the risk of medications expiring on the shelf was significantly reduced and there was enough time to counsel patients, answer questions, and provide personal care.

What was the concept Palmwood Pharmacy adopted? JUST-IN-TIME INVENTORY.

In this article, we will delve into this concept and how it impacts community pharmacies.

JUST-IN-TIME INVENTORY (JIT Inventory) refers to a supply chain management strategy where pharmaceuticals and medications are ordered and restocked only as they are needed, minimizing excess stock.

This approach ensures that the pharmacy maintains an inventory level that can meet immediate demand without extensive stockpiling. It improves efficiency, reduces waste, and maintains an up-to-date inventory of medications, which is important in healthcare to avoid the expiration of drugs or shortages.

Community pharmacies are essential components of the healthcare system that provide accessible and personalized healthcare services and contribute to public health. Just like Palmwood, community pharmacies that incorporate JIT Inventory will be able to favorably discharge their duties.

Benefits of Implementing JIT Inventory in Community Pharmacies

  • Efficiency in Inventory Management: One of the most notable advantages of JIT inventory in community pharmacies is the marked improvement in inventory management. Traditional stockpiling can lead to cluttered shelves and unnecessary delays. With JIT, pharmacies maintain only the medications they need at any given time.
  • Reduction of Carrying Costs: Every square foot of a pharmacy’s storage space has associated costs. The carrying costs for maintaining excess inventory can quickly add up. JIT inventory brings about substantial cost reductions by decreasing costs associated with inventory maintenance and security. This will Free up financial resources that can be allocated to other critical aspects of the pharmacy, such as improving patient services.
  • Minimizing the Risk of Medication Expiration: In healthcare, the safety and efficacy of medications are non-negotiable. JIT inventory mitigates the risk of medication expiration by ensuring medications are used before they reach their expiration date, patients will receive drugs at their maximum potency, reducing financial losses due expired medications disposal.
  • Ensuring the Availability of Critical Medications: JIT inventory practices guarantee that essential medications are consistently available when needed. This leads to reliable patient care and satisfaction, as patients trust in the pharmacy’s readiness to serve their immediate needs.
  • Cost-Effectiveness in Supply Chain Management: JIT inventory, besides optimizing on-site inventory, also extends its benefits to the broader supply chain. This approach is highly cost-effective, providing reduced waste, resulting in financial savings and a more sustainable approach. JIT inventory also allows for the efficient utilization of resources, ensuring that every aspect of the supply chain contributes to a healthier bottom line.

Challenges Associated With JIT Inventory

  • Supply Chain Vulnerability: Relying on JIT can make healthcare systems vulnerable to supply chain disruptions, whether due to global events or issues with suppliers. Interruptions in the supply chain can lead to medication shortages and patient care challenges.
  • Medication Recalls: In JIT systems, recalling a specific medication can be more complex, as there’s little room for error. A recall can lead to temporary unavailability of essential medications, causing disruptions in patient care.
  • Inventory Accuracy: Maintaining meticulous inventory records is paramount in JIT. Any discrepancies can result in incorrect orders or shortages, affecting patient care and costing time and money.
  • Emergency Preparedness: JIT practices may be less adaptable during emergencies or public health crises, where sudden surges in demand or medication requirements could strain the system.

Striking the Perfect Balance: The Fast and Frugal Supply Chain Challenge by Kolade Adebiyi

The modern consumer landscape is characterized by an insatiable demand for fast and reliable deliveries. The rise of e-commerce and the promise of same-day or even same-hour deliveries have set high expectations for businesses to meet.

At the same time, optimizing operations to achieve such rapid deliveries often leads to increased operational costs. It’s a paradox where businesses are pressed to meet customer expectations for speed while managing the financial implications of doing so.

Balancing the need for speedy deliveries with cost-effective operations is an intricate task that requires a comprehensive and strategic approach.

It begins with a thorough understanding of customer expectations. Knowing what your customers truly value in terms of delivery speed, and that quality is vital. By conducting market research and seeking customer feedback, you can align your delivery strategies with customer preferences.

The integration of technology can also significantly enhance efficiency and customer satisfaction. Utilizing software and systems that improve route planning, tracking, and inventory management can streamline operations while keeping costs in check.

Moreover, fostering collaboration within the organization is crucial. Employees at all levels should be aligned with the company’s objectives and have the necessary training to fulfill their roles effectively. The buy-in and commitment of your team are integral to achieving a balance between speed and cost.

In addition, going alone is no longer enough. So, businesses must explore collaborative opportunities with each other, such as shared resources and partnerships which can reduce logistics costs and enhance operational efficiency. By working together with like-minded organizations, you can leverage shared expertise and resources.

Finally, continuous data analysis is essential. Regularly monitor and assess key performance indicators to evaluate the success of your strategies. Data-driven decision-making enables timely adjustments to operations for improved efficiency and cost control.

As organizations struggle to meet mounting consumer and societal expectations, they face record-high inflation, cutting profit margins, impacts from subsidy removal, increased geopolitical tensions, and cross-border challenges.

Achieving the balance between speedy deliveries and cost-effective operations is a multifaceted and continuous challenge. It’s not about a single solution but a holistic strategy that adapts to the evolving demands of your industry and customer expectations.

By embracing technology, collaboration, and ongoing improvement, businesses can navigate this complex landscape successfully..

Final Thoughts

Just-In-Time Inventory practices in community pharmacies should not be underestimated. It not only modernizes inventory management but also elevates the role of staff pharmacists, making them integral to the pharmacy’s success.

The financial benefits, operational improvements, and enhanced customer service provided by this approach position it as a good strategy for the future of community pharmacies. It is clear that the healthcare sector embracing Just-In-Time Inventory is a strategic decision.

This holds the potential to ensure the continued growth and success of community pharmacies in serving their communities and patients. For more resources on how to nurture your pharmacy, kindly visit the Remedial Health blog.

