REMIIT Advisor Series [Part 1]

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3 min readNov 13, 2018

REMIIT has appointed advisors from various fields to make the project successful. I would like to publish a three-part series (Academic Industry, Venture & Financial Industry, Blockchain Industry). In the Academic Industry, we receive advisory from experts in various fields, including economists, business scholars, and educators.

1. Professor Jin Wan Cho

In the world of cryptocurrency where the token value fluctuation is a key issue, REMIIT designed a token based on the theory of economics to provide stable services to the users. In this process, we conducted multiple discussion sessions with Prof. Jin Wan Cho, a financial economics expert. He received his BA in Economics from Seoul National University, his MA in Finance and Applied Mathematics from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and his Ph.D. in Financial Economics from Carnegie-Mellon University.
He is currently Head of Business Administration at The State University of New York, Korea.

In addition, Prof. Jin Wan Cho conducted research projects with various government agencies and corporations, including KEPCO, the Ministry of Planning and Budget, KOICA, the Stock Exchange, and Hyundai Securities. Based on his experience and expertise, he has provided many advice for developing the “Two Tier Token” which is a core function of the REMIIT services, and will continue to advise on the design and operation of the Token Economy which keeps the value of REMIIT’s internal token stable.

2. Professor Kwon Gi Mun

Efficient operation is important for cryptocurrencies. This is because operations must be performed in a decentralized, centralized, and unauthorized environment. In this aspect, Prof. Kwon Gi Mun who majored in supply chain management and management science can give good advice.

Prof. Kwon Gi Mun holds a BA in Business Administration from Ajou University and a Ph.D. in Supply Chain Management and Business Sciences from Rutgers University. He is currently a professor in Supply Chain Management at Fairleigh Dickinson University. He is also working with the UN Sustainability Committee and will advise on the future operation of the REMIIT project.

3. Professor Lillie Albert

Prof. Lillie Albert, who studies cognitive development and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education at Boston College, advises REMIIT about service planning and operations. She holds a Ph.D. in mathematics education from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

As REMIIT places a great focus on user experience, Prof. Albert will advise REMIIT in this area as she is planning and developing services that are easy to know and learn from a pedagogical point of view.



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Remiit is a decentralized remittance and payment platform that aims to act as a catalyst of globalization through the blockchain.