REMISANS: Digital Rebirth

6 min readMay 8, 2023


Table of Contents

  1. About REMISANS
  2. Why is the Renaissance era still relevant?
  3. Why are we building this?
  4. Welcome to REMISANS: Inferno NFT collection
  5. Whitelists
  6. Roadmap
  7. Links


On the etymological level, REMISANS owes half of its name to the Remilia Corporation — an unstoppable living force that swiped the internet by a tidal. The second half of our name is a tribute to arguably one of the most impactful eras in human history— the Renaissance era.

On the etiological level, REMISANS aims to explain the provenance of crypto and NFTs and show how these concepts are, indeed, extensions of the efforts that sprouted from a few hundred years that French people call “The Rebirth”. The Renaissance inventions took humanity from the Dark Ages into the new era — an era of unbelievable progress, which completely changed how people understood and interpreted the world around them.

Concept-wise, the REMISANS team is working on a series of NFT collections and physical goods, but we will cover that at the end of the article. For now, let’s dive deeper into the correlation between Web3 and the era of Rebirth.

Why is the Renaissance era still relevant?

If you would like to skip the prelude and head straight to the information about our first NFT collection, click here. Although, we strongly suggest spending a few minutes to understand what we’re building.

The Renaissance era gave birth to many inventions that truly changed how people operated and operate until today. It has impacted the core ideas attributed to what it’s like to be a human: art, poetry, money, society, politics, and science — are all fundamental concepts that suddenly got reinvented and reimagined over a relatively short period.

To give a better idea to you, dear reader, here are some examples of the key inventions of the Renaissance era that shaped the world we live in today:

  • Banking: the modern banking system is traced back to the early Italian Renaissance. One of the most prominent Italian banks was the Medici Bank, created by Giovanni di Bicci de Medici in 1397.
  • Central governments: the Renaissance era was driven by increased economic activity rather than agricultural activity like it was during the preceding times when societal classes were hierarchically divided based on their position in the overall agricultural economy. This all changed during the Renaissance era, which generated a lot of economic activity, drove the population to urban areas, and essentially gave birth to central governments.
  • Pencil, microscope, printing press, steam engine, telescope, flush toilets: items that seem ordinary and mundane today and are taken for granted, did not exist until the Renaissance era. Without those inventions, we wouldn’t be able to enjoy modern medicine, weather forecast, GPS, mobile phones, the internet, and many other things. Even our households wouldn’t be the same.

The list goes on and on; you get the idea. The importance of the change that humanity has gone through during the Renaissance era cannot be exaggerated.

Why are we building this?

At REMISANS, we recognize the fact that history repeats, we take notice of the inventions brought to us by blockchain and crypto, and we believe that there are a lot of parallels that can be drawn between inventions of the Renaissance era and inventions that we have seen in the crypto space. To truly embrace the speck of time we collectively experience today; it is essential to understand the modern day in the context of broader history.

Freedom is one of the most important things that a human yearns for. In that domain, the movement of Web3 is similar to the movement of Humanism, which crystallized during the Renaissance era. Both of these concepts have to do with freedom.

Among its many principles, Humanism promoted the idea that man was the center of his own universe and people should embrace human achievements in education, classical arts, literature and science.
Today, those who own the data own the world. So similarly, Web3 can allow us to own our data, enables creator economies, and can take us out of the Web2 swamp where we became slaves, dairy cattle for global corporations.

Web3 = Humanism (with a time adjustment)

With our work, we hope to explain important concepts and interpret classic art in a context accessible to our peers. The goal is to spread enlightenment, foster appreciation for past and present achievements, and give hope for the future.

Welcome to REMISANS: Inferno

Collection Details

For our first NFT collection REMISANS: Inferno, we took one of the greatest works of world literature — the classic poem Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri, written in 1321. The poem consists of three parts: Inferno, Purgatory, and Paradiso and provides an interpretation of the afterlife, representing the medieval worldview. In the original poem, Dante (the author) is met by Virgil, who takes him on a journey through Inferno and its nine deadly sins, and Purgatory with its sinners purged by repentance. In the end, Dante journeys to Paradiso and explores cardinal virtues.

REMISANS: Inferno collection is only taking the Inferno part of the poem. The goal is to interpret the nine deadly sins from the original poem in the context of Web3. The NFT collection will consist of nine hand-drawn tarot cards and a poem for each card hidden in the unlockable content. The poems were inspired by the Divine Comedy and were written anew to fit better within the narrative of the NFT collection. Each of the nine cards will have a supply of 1,111. There will be perks to owning all nine cards (read more about this in the Roadmap at the end of the article).

Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here

REMISANS: Inferno Prologue

Crystal visions of blockchain, the Crypto-Inferno, unfolds before our digital screens and reflected in our eyes. Remilio’s decentralized descent, navigating the nine ledgers of Web3 calamity.

Lost in the tangled chain of transactions where gas fees are spiralling into the abyss, Remilio meets the wise milady — a sage of the digital realm, guiding him through the cryptographic maze.

Trekking deeper, the Crypto-Inferno unfolds, a pixelated pandemonium where sinners face the consequences of their digital misdeeds. Are you ready to explore further, dear web3 wanderer?


Our team embraces the Remilia Corp. work and the community that grew around it. If it weren’t for Remilia, chances are, this collection wouldn’t exist in the first place. As a token of our appreciation, we will be whitelisting Remilia collections as well as some derivative projects that were birthed by the community (snapshot was taken on May 7, 2023):

  • Card #1: Milady Maker
  • Card #2: Redacted Remilio Babies
  • Card #3: YAYO
  • Card #4: God’s Remix
  • Card #5: Pixelady
  • Card #6: Schizoposters
  • Card #7: N/A
  • Card #8: N/A
  • Card #9: N/A

Here’s an example of how it’s going to work:

  • If you hold a milady, you are eligible for one Card #1 free mint;
  • If you hold a remilio, you are eligible for one Card #2 free mint;
  • If you hold two miladys in a single wallet, you are eligible for one Card #1 free mint;
  • If you hold milady and remilio in a single wallet, you are eligible for one Card #1 and one Card #2 free mint;
  • If you hold all whitelisted collections in a single wallet, you are eligible for Card #1, Card #2, Card #3, Card #4, Card #5, and Card #6 free mint.
  • Note that there will be a benefit to owning all nine cards.

Minting will be available through starting form May 12, 2023.


We hope for a successful mint for REMISANS: Inferno; this will provide us with valuable feedback and will be a sign that the market understands our concept and vision.

Our plans might change and alter, but after careful consideration, we have defined the following potential development of REMISANS:

  1. Season 1: Inferno NFT collection (free mint for the Remilia eco)
  2. Season 2: Paradiso NFT collection (free mint for holders of the full Season 1 set): we will continue with the Divine Comedy but this time work on interpreting the cardinal virtues in the context of Web3.
  3. Season 3: Full Tarot Deck (burn mechanism for holders of full Season 1 and Season 2 sets): we plan to produce a limited edition of physical 78-card Tarot decks and may develop a Tarot card reading dApp. Season 3 will conclude our experiment with the Tarot style art and our interpretation of the Divine Comedy.
  4. Season 4: PFP NFT collection (free mint for Season 1 and/or Season 2 set holders and/or owners of the physical Tarot deck): continuing with interpreting works of the Renaissance in the context of the modern day. In seasons 1 and 2, we were interpreting a classic poem. In season 4, we will interpret classic paintings.
  5. Season 5: ???





The Renaissance era meets Web3 in a fusion of art, poetry, and physical goods