Battle Guide

6 min readJul 29, 2024


Hello everyone!

In the previous article, we wrote about basic training tips. This time, we will explain some tips related to battles.

Although we will skip the detailed calculations, we will explain some points in more detail than the information in the documents. Please refer to it!

Basic Parameters

There are six basic parameters that are crucial in battles. It is essential to increase these parameters and raise your Monster according to your strategy.


This is a particularly important parameter, decreasing when your Monster takes enemy attacks during battle. When it reaches 0, the Monster becomes unable to fight and cannot participate in the battle unless it has a resurrection skill.


These parameters affect the damage dealt. STR is relevant for STR-type skills, while INT is relevant for INT-type skills.

As the rank increases, a positive adjustment (larger for higher ranks) is applied during damage calculation, so it is recommended to train up to rank transition points.

  • F:1~150
  • E:151~300
  • D:301~450
  • C:451~600
  • B:601~750
  • A:751~900
  • S:901~


This parameter affects your Monster’s hit rate. If it is higher than the target’s AGI, the skill’s hit rate increases. If you find your attacks missing, try increasing this parameter. Basic DEX training also increases HP, making it a recommended choice if in doubt.


This parameter affects your Monster’s avoidance rate. If it is higher than the enemy’s DEX, the enemy’s hit rate decreases.


This parameter affects the amount of damage taken. If it is higher than the enemy’s STR/INT, the damage taken decreases. Similar to STR/INT, a positive adjustment occurs based on the rank.

You can check a Monster’s Growth Potential (GP) to see which parameters it excels in.

Various Resistances

Each Monster has resistances to different skill attributes. If a resistance value is negative, the damage received increases, so be cautious. Conversely, attacking with an attribute the opponent is weak against is a simple way to increase your damage output.

For example, Golem takes 15% less damage from Blunt, Slash, and Pierce attributes but 25% more damage from Water and Fire attributes.

Even Monsters with the same main seed can have different resistances depending on their derived type (although the general direction remains the same).

Debuff resistance does not affect damage but influences the likelihood of various debuffs being applied.


Each Monster is born with at least two skills. Through fusion, a Monster can be born with multiple skills already learned or with skills at higher levels.

Each skill has learning conditions, which include:

  • Monster rank
  • Intensive training at specific locations

When a new skill can be learned, an [!] mark appears on the training screen, so you do not need to remember the locations.

The probability of learning a skill is calculated based on the Monster’s basic parameters and the threshold for each skill.

If the sum of the adjusted values of the basic parameters exceeds the recommended value, the skill can be learned with a 100% probability.

Higher-rank skills have better performance but also higher skill costs and ST consumption. The skill cost capacity increases by 5 with each Monster rank, up to a maximum of 60.

A Monster can have up to three skills set at a time. These can be changed just before battle, so you can learn skills of various attributes and adjust according to the enemy Monster.

While intensive training also improves basic parameters, it consumes more lifespan than basic training. Therefore, it is generally recommended to use intensive training primarily for learning skills and acquiring traits.


Each Monster has innate traits determined at birth, acquired traits gained through special training, and Farm traits derived from the Farm NFT they are placed in.

Innate traits often influence various calculations as a percentage, while acquired and Farm traits generally add to the Monster’s parameters.

There are 40 types of innate traits and 20 types each of acquired and Farm traits. For details, please refer to the database.

Other Parameters


The higher this parameter, the earlier the Monster acts in each turn. It decreases due to delays from skill use and delay damage when attacked, potentially causing the Monster to act later.


The number of squares a Monster can move in one turn. Most Monsters have 2, but some have 3 or 4. However, moving more in one turn consumes more stamina, so be cautious.


The amount of stamina recovered from the second turn onwards. Since moving and using skills consume stamina, this is an important parameter. Some attack skills also drain the opponent’s stamina. Accumulating more stamina than needed for skill use can increase the skill’s performance by up to 10%. This affects all parameters except buffs and debuffs.

Increasing Damage Output

The damage calculation involves many parameters, but here are some simple tips for increasing damage output: Three major factors contribute to the calculation:

  1. The skill’s base damage value
  2. Adjustment based on the difference between STR/INT and VIT
  3. Adjustments from traits, resistances, distance, remaining ST, buffs, and debuffs

These three factors multiply together, so increasing each of them in parallel can efficiently boost your damage output.

A critical hit increases damage by an additional 1.25 times, so using skills with a high critical rate is also recommended.

Using Buffs and Debuffs

Some skills have buff or debuff effects. Debuff effects only apply if the skill hits the target, but buff skills always take effect, making it easy to strengthen your Monster.

Even if a debuff skill hits, the probability of applying the debuff varies depending on the skill, but STR~VIT reduction debuffs always apply.

For details on each baff and debuff, please refer to the documents. You can also check in-game help (skill details and during battle).

That concludes the tips on battle parameters! The key points to remember are:

  • Increase HP to reduce the chance of becoming unable to fight.
  • Increase STR/INT to deal more damage.
  • Increase DEX if your attacks are missing (basic DEX training also increases HP, so it is recommended).
  • Increase AGI/VIT according to your Monster’s suitability.
  • Exploit the opponent’s weak attributes during battles.

Good luck in gaining an advantage in your battles!

About Re.Monster

Re.Monster is a Play and Own BCG that regenerates Monster NFTs from NFTs owned by users, trains and battles them.

Please follow us on social networking sites to check for future updates.

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Re.Monster is a Play and Own BCG where players regenerate mint/raise/battle Monsters from their NFTs.