Expranation of Overall Ability

5 min readDec 29, 2023


Hello everyone!

In this article, we will explain about “Overall Ability”, which is key to the Closed Alpha Campaign. Let’s aim for the top of the rankings!

📊What is Overall Ability?

Overall Ability is a parameter that comprehensively aggregates the parameters directly related to Monster’s Battle. The following parameters are used in the aggregation:

  • Basic Parameters (HP, STR, INT, DEX, AGI, and VIT)
  • MOV
  • SPD
  • ST Recovery
  • Innate Traits
  • Acquired Traits
  • Resistances (Element, Debuff)

Only “parameters directly related to Battle” are looked at, so aspects like Lifespan and Growth Type are not taken into account.

The rank of Overall Ability is determined based on the aggregated numerical value:

  • S: 4900 and above
  • A: 4200 to 4899
  • B: 3500 to 4199
  • C: 2800 to 3499
  • D: 2100 to 2799
  • E: 1400 to 2099
  • F: up to 1399

This rank is one of the indicators for training, so it does not impact gameplay. However, the parameters of enemy Monsters that appear in PvE are set based on this rank.

For example, in a D-rank Tournament, the Overall Ability of enemy Monsters appearing there is set to be within the range of 2100 to 2799. However, for F and E ranks, there are Monsters that do not fit within the range of their respective ranks. This is because trying to fit them into that range would make the Monsters too weak.

🔣Calculation Method

Now, let’s explain the specific method of calculation. The aggregated parameters are calculated as follows:

  • TP: Sum of HP, STR, INT, DEX, AGI, and VIT
  • MOV: MOV value
  • SPD: SPD value
  • ST: ST Recovery
  • IT: Number of Innate Traits
  • AT1: Level of Acquired Trait 1
  • AT2: Level of Acquired Trait 2
  • RL: Total of all Resistance values for Element and Debuffs
  • R: Overall Ability

Calculation Formula

O = ( TP + MOV × 80 + SPD × 3 + ST × 6 ) × ( 1 + RL / 10 ) + IT × 150 + ( AT1 + AT2 ) × 50

Except for basic parameters and traits, all other parameters are fixed for each type of Monster. The part of the Overall Ability that is most affected by raisining is the basic parameters.

For Example:

  • TP: 953
  • MOV: 3
  • SPD: 65
  • ST: 32
  • IT: 1
  • AT1: 1
  • AT2: 1
  • RL: 30%
  • O: Overall Ability

O = ( 953 + 3 × 80 + 65 × 3 + 32 × 6 ) × ( 1 + 30% / 10 ) + 1 × 150 + ( 1 + 1 ) × 50
O = 1877 (E Rank)

👀Quick Check

To check the Overall Ability of each Monster, it is recommended to use the Monster Bag. You can open it from the “Monster” section on the Home.

The area circled in red is the Overall Ability

*Currently, the filter and sort functions of the Monster Bag are under development, so these features are disabled.


At the setup stage of each Monster, in addition to the parameters used for calculating Overall Ability, factors like lifespan and growth type are also considered.

As shown in the image, the difference in Score for all Monsters falls within the margin of error, so there is no clear superiority or inferiority. However, since Overall Ability calculations exclude Lifespan and Growth Type, there can be some variations in initial Overall Ability. Specifically, the following tendencies are observed in initial Overall Ability:

  • Monsters with longer Lifespan or Late Bloomer Growth Types tend to have lower initial Overall Ability.
    -> These require more time and cost for raising, but their final parameters are likely to be higher, making them more suitable for advanced players.
  • Conversely, Monsters with shorter Lifespan or Precocious Growth Type tend to have higher initial Overall Ability.
    ->They require less time and cost for raising, making them more suitable for beginners.

Let’s take a closer look at the example mentioned above:

  • Faireaf, with a short Lifespan and a Precocious Growth Type, has a high initial Overall Ability.
  • Golem, with a long Lifespan and a Late Bloomer Growth Type, has a low initial Overall Ability.

In the case of these two Monsters, the difference is quite noticeable. However, the final Overall Ability after complete raising is not necessarily bound by this initial difference. With proper raising, it’s not difficult to reverse this trend.


  • Try to match the terrain of the Farm with the Monster’s preferred terrain as much as possible.
  • To aim for the top of the rankings, it is recommended to use Monsters with two Innate Traits (Acquired Traits can be gained later through Intensive Training).
  • Intensive Training, Exploration, and Tournaments consume more Lifespan compared to regular training. Use them strategically.
  • The acquisition rate of Acquired Traits varies based on the Monster’s basic parameters. If you find it difficult to acquire or level up these traits, it’s more efficient to first extend the related basic parameters before attempting.
  • Raisining consumes BIT, but you can earn them by winning Tournaments. However, since this also consumes Lifespan, it’s better to raise a separate Monster specifically for earning BIT, apart from the one you aim to top the rankings with.

We hope this article serves as a useful reference for everyone. Please try out various training methods.

We plan to introduce more hints and tips, including those not covered in this article, on our social media platforms soon.

Enjoy the Closed Alpha!

About Re.Monster

Re.Monster is a Play and Own BCG that regenerates Monster NFTs from NFTs owned by users, trains and battles them.

Please follow us on social networking sites to check for future updates.

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Re.Monster is a Play and Own BCG where players regenerate mint/raise/battle Monsters from their NFTs.