Monster Rasing Guide

6 min readJul 26, 2024


Hello everyone!

This time, in preparation for the Closed Beta gameplay, we would like to introduce some basic tips for training your Monsters. Knowing these tips will significantly impact your gameplay experience. For detailed information, please refer to the documents.

We will try to keep the explanations as concise as possible. Additionally, We will not cover areas that have relatively minor impacts.

About Lifespan

Can be checked on the Monster detail and simple details of Farm/Raise

Each Monster has a set lifespan, which varies by type. For example, Faireaf has the shortest lifespan at 2900, while Coni has the longest at 5000.

During raising, each action advances the in-game time by 1 to 4 weeks. Lifespan decreases by 10 per week. Thus, Faireaf can perform actions for up to 290 weeks, and Coni for 500 weeks. However, note that some actions consume additional lifespan.

When a Monster’s remaining lifespan reaches 0, it can no longer perform actions or participate in tournaments. Monsters that have reached the end of their lifespan can only participate in Free Battles, Fusion, Crystallization, or be converted to Coaches. Crystallization and converting to a Coach are only possible for Monsters that have reached the end of their lifespan.

Tips to Avoid Excessive Lifespan Consumption

In addition to normal lifespan consumption, there are conditions that cause extra consumption:

  • Performing actions with fatigue above 51 (Tierd/Overwork state)
  • Performing actions with stress above 51 (High-stress/Overstress state)
  • Incurring injuries or serious injuries, or becoming sick or seriously sick

By avoiding these conditions, you can minimize excessive lifespan consumption. Fatigue and stress can be reduced by allowing the Monster to rest.

Injuries occur randomly based on actions, making them difficult to avoid, but the likelihood increases when in a fatigue/overwork state. Also, taking significant damage in tournaments (PvE) increases the risk of injury.

Sick probability increases when a Monster’s nutritional status is poor. When the total of the three nutritional statuses falls below 144, the likelihood of sickness rises. Additionally, having ill Monsters in other Farm slots increases the risk of sickness, so be cautious.

Moreover, while not directly related to lifespan, participating in battles while injured or ill results in parameter penalties. Therefore, it is recommended not to leave injuries or sicknesses untreated.

To manage your Monsters effectively, keep the following in mind:

  • Ensure fatigue and stress do not exceed 50 by allowing Monsters to rest.
  • Take injured or ill Monsters to the hospital immediately.

Impact of Lifespan on Training

Parameter increases during training are affected by the Monster’s lifespan consumption status. The more lifespan is consumed, the less effective the training may become.

The consumption of lifespan causes a ten-step variation in growth rate. The longer the lifespan, the longer it takes for parameters to grow significantly, making the training process more demanding but resulting in higher final parameters.

When selecting your initial Monsters, choosing those with shorter lifespans or a precocious growth type can make the training process relatively easier.

About Actions

When raising the monster, you can choose from several actions to perform.

The additional lifespan consumption of each action varies as follows

Intensive Training=Exploration>Special Training>Basic Training>Rest=Hospital=0

Basic Training

The most basic parameter enhancement method, it can increase two parameters.

  • HP>VIT
  • DEX>HP

Special Training

The parameters affected by special training vary with each Farm NFT. While it has a greater effect than basic training, some parameters may decrease, so caution is needed. Parameters with high growth suitability for that Monster will experience less reduction.


Allowing a Monster to rest reduces its fatigue and stress. Resting does not involve additional lifespan consumption or the risk of sickness or injury.

Intensive Training

Intensive training generally has a higher effect than basic training, but it also consumes more lifespan. The most important aspect is the additional acquisition or enhancement of skills and acquired traits.


Exploration is a primary method for obtaining items, excluding tournaments. While it does increase parameters, the increments are modest and fixed, regardless of the Monster’s growth suitability.


The hospital can only be used when a Monster is injured or sick, and it does not involve additional lifespan consumption. It slightly recovers fatigue and resets all nutritional statuses to 80 while treating injuries or sicknesses. For severe injuries or serious sicknesses, treatment takes 3 weeks.

About Tornaments

From Farm, you can participate in various tournaments. Different tournaments are held according to the in-game calendar, with a full set occurring over one year and then repeating. Each tournament offers different prize amounts and obtainable items.

Monsters can only participate in tournaments that match their rank. By winning official matches held in the 4th week of March, June, September, and December in the game, a Monster’s rank will increase.

Generally, the higher the rank of the tournament, the larger the prize money and the higher the rank of reward items. Consuming one tournament ticket will increase the amount of rewards obtained.

After participating in a tournament, you cannot participate in the same tournament again in that week. However, you can participate in other tournaments in the same week.

Impact of Tournaments on Training Parameters

Participating in tournaments does not advance the in-game time but does affect the participating Monster’s parameters.

  • Lifespan Consumption
  • Increased Fatigue
  • Stress Variation (decreases with victory, increases with defeat)
  • Possibility of Injury (higher probability with greater damage received)

About Meals

Meals affect Monster’s nutritional status as well as fatigue and stress.

If you lack funds, you can opt to skip meals, but this should be avoided as it prevents nutritional replenishment. Each week, the three types of nutrition decrease by 5, so failing to provide proper meals can lead to your Monster becoming sick.

Feeding your Monster its preferred food will increase the reduction in fatigue and stress, as well as boost degree of friendship and training policies.

These are the basic tips for raising your Monsters.

There are other parameters that can also have subtle effects, but keeping these points in mind will make training much easier.

Next time, I will introduce tips for battles, so stay tuned!

About Re.Monster

Re.Monster is a Play and Own BCG that regenerates Monster NFTs from NFTs owned by users, trains and battles them.

Please follow us on social networking sites to check for future updates.

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Re.Monster is a Play and Own BCG where players regenerate mint/raise/battle Monsters from their NFTs.