Book Summary & Review | The Surrogate by Freida McFadden (⭐⭐⭐)

3 min readOct 28, 2023


After a failed adoption, Abby’s secretary, Monica, offers to be her surrogate. Abby has a call with Monica’s mother and a roommate. Both tell her that Monica is a saint. However, Abby notices inconsistencies with Monica being a Red Socks fan. Abby’s husband, Sam, initially opposes but eventually agrees.

Red flags start to appear:

· Monica claims Tarantino is her favorite director (Abby remembers, telling her Sam’s favorite movie is Pulp Fiction)

· She insists on keeping pregnancy test results and baby recordings.

· She refers to the baby as ‘ours.’

· She schedules doctor appointments during Abby’s important meetings.

· She affectionately calls Sam ‘Sammy’ and laughs at his math jokes.

Abby faces problems at work, including an accidental email calling her boss a b*tch. A drug test failure leads to her firing (Monica is drugging her). Sam finds some crystals at home and believes the allegations.

Next day the boss finds Monica snooping around and her Adderall and tells Abby to come to work later to discuss the approach. Abby finds her killed with Abby’s letter opener. With the firing, meth and b*tch email it does not look good for her.

Abby starts researching and finds that the roommate was a paid actress and gets to Monica’s real ex-roommates. They all tell her — she is crazy. She also thinks that her ex-secretary was pushed down the stairs by Monica.

Next day the older woman visits her and drugs her, Monica shows up. It is revealed she is the woman’s daughter. Monica wants to make it look like Abby killed herself, so that she gets her husband and the money.

The ex-secretary saw Sam and decided he was hot and intelligent and good for her daughter. Sam shows up, Monica accidentally shoots her mother and then herself after Sam refuses to leave Abby.

In the end, they get custody of the baby, and Monica is allegedly in a vegetative state.


My thoughts:

· I personally found some things, i.e., Abby's inability to open letters hilarious.

· I know math professors and it is believable that he would not notice and remember Monica.

· But it does not explain how he also manages to be so desperately in love with Abby and why. What do they even talk about?

· The ex-roommates and stepmother were not helpful. It is never explained how Monica recovered from her meth addiction.

· Her boss is mean to her and wants to kick her at every opportunity and then she sees some Adderall and that is all it takes for her to believe Abby?

What did you thought about the book?


I’m an avid audiobook enthusiast. However, I must admit, I’m incredibly impatient. Fortunately, spoilers have never bothered me. When I find myself with more than three hours of a book left to listen to before bedtime, I can’t resist the urge to sneak a peek at how it will all end. But this time, there were no summaries to be found. So, I’ve taken it upon myself to write one. Perhaps next time, I can help my fellow restless bookworms.

