Top Factors To Consider When Hiring A Removals Harrogate Company

Edward Clements
4 min readMay 5, 2022

When it comes to moving, many people will choose to do it themselves in order to save money. However, for some, this may not be the best option. Hiring a removals Harrogate company like Jorvik Removals & Self Storage Harrogate can make the process much smoother and less stressful. Here are a few things to consider when hiring a removal company:

Find a good removal company near you

It is easier than ever to locate almost anything online, and it sometimes feels like there is a lot of quantity over quality before you begin comparing all the prices and choices; narrow down your list to businesses in your local region.

Get your own requirements down on paper, then get quotes

You may have 5 or 6 organisations to evaluate before you can decide, so think carefully about what your needs actually are. Do you need someone to pack up your possessions for relocation or storage? Are you moving house or relocating office-related concerns such as fragile objects and electronic goods? The more information you provide, the better company will be able to wow you with their answers!

Free survey

When choosing commercial removals Harrogate, your first point of action should be to arrange for a home or video survey from a surveyor. This allows you to ask any questions you may have about their services. It also allows the surveyor to address any unique concerns that you may have.

There are several questions to answer before hiring a removals company, such as: What kind of access will you need? Do you have any heavy or unusual items that require special attention? It’s critical to keep in mind that many removal firms get booked up weeks ahead, especially during the summer months. It is better to start looking for a removals business well in advance of your move date.

Your removals business should conduct the survey for free. A surveyor will either walk through each space personally or via video to calculate the number of packaging materials and resources required. Removal costs are usually calculated on the ‘total volume of effects,’ so be honest about your belongings.

Were they helpful and polite?

Did they follow through on their promises as consumers expect? Was there anything wrong with the move that they were unable to fix? The best removal companies Harrogate will be members of Referenceline or Trustpilot websites. You may browse consumer feedback on the internet. Watch out for businesses that just publish completely ‘super positive’ comments or phony reviews.

Consider the costs and your budget

It should go without saying that hiring a moving company may cost a lot of money, and depending on the size of your old home, it might be preferable to tackle the project yourself. Hiring a commercial removals Harrogate firm can make the entire process considerably less stressful and difficult. Financially speaking, hiring someone to do something you can accomplish yourself may be more expensive.

It would also be critical for you to consider the coverage of the first price quotations given to you. Is the quote inclusive of all of your requirements, or will they charge you extra for each little thing?

Be upfront with your estimator

Make a list of everything you want the best removal companies Harrogate to carry for you, including boxes, furniture, clothing, and other objects. While a professional mover can’t force you to pay more for your move on the day if you have items that weren’t included in your estimate, the movers may refuse to relocate anything you didn’t mention as part of your written quote.

Enquire about added fees

No one wants to get blindsided with unexpected expenses on your move day, so be sure to inquire your potential removals Harrogate company about any additional charges that may be tacked onto your final bills, such as fuel surcharges, extra stops costs, and equipment fees. You’ll also want to double-check if they can handle anything delicate or oversized you may have. Also, let them know if you have any scheduling limitations; it might assist them in determining how many movers they will need to send your way.

When choosing a removals Harrogate company, it is important to be aware of the different services they offer. Many companies provide free surveys in order to assess your needs and give you an accurate quote. It is also important to be upfront with your estimator about everything you want moving, as this will avoid any surprises on moving day. Be sure to ask about additional fees that may apply, such as fuel surcharges or equipment fees.



Edward Clements

My name is Edward Clements, a serial entrepreneur. I always make sure that my businesses are well-situated for the best target audience.