My podcast nightmare

Maybe you can relate … and learn from my mistake!

Renae Rost Gregoire
6 min readMay 14, 2020
Photo by Monica Silva on Unsplash

This is kind of an embarrassing story.

Six or seven months ago, I was invited to be a guest on a podcast to talk about blogging. I created a card deck around blogging, and a group coaching and training program on the same subject.

You should know right off the bat that I’m SUPER self-conscious when it comes to speaking. I explained to the host that I tend to freeze — after all, I’m a writer, not a speaker — and asked if she wanted me to provide interview questions, or if she could provide questions in advance to me.

“Nah, I like to just let the conversation flow,” she said. “Don’t worry about it; you’ll do great.”

Oookaaaay, I thought, hoping she was right.

After all, we’d be speaking about blogging.

I KNOW blogging! For crying out loud!

I created a card deck and a course on the subject!

Yep, that’s my card deck! Check it out here:

She was right. I’d be fine.

The day of the interview arrived.

I showed up on Zoom at the…



Renae Rost Gregoire

Writer, editor, truth teller, clarity expert. If you sweat the small stuff, we may be soulmates.