The sales power of communicating your WHY

Renae Rost Gregoire
10 min readSep 20, 2017

When I started my business back in 2002, I was on a mission.

I wanted to help small business owners, solopreneurs, and marketers lead more people to YES with clear content and strong positioning that would differentiate them online and offline.

As time went on, my motives became less altruistic. Growing more and more tired of crappy content on crappy websites that may or may not work, I also set out to make my own experiences on the web as smooth and pleasant as possible.

My mission enlarged, bit by bit. Now, I’m out to make the web a better, easier place for all of us, one website, one web page, one blog post at a time. ​

Tall order, right?

I’m working on it.

Along my journey, I’ve discovered that there are actually two secrets to creating content that leads to YES: 1) HOPE, and 2) WHY.

Secret #1: HOPE

The first secret is simply to recognize that the people reading your content are reading with HOPE.

They’re reading your content because they HOPE you’re the right business for them.

They HOPE you can solve their problem, ease their pain, meet their challenge.



Renae Rost Gregoire

Writer, editor, truth teller, clarity expert. If you sweat the small stuff, we may be soulmates.