Exploring Clairvoyance: Understanding, Developing, and Trusting Your Psychic Abilities

As someone who has been a practising clairvoyant for over 30 years I get asked about strengthening abilities all of the time.

How do I do it?

How do I learn to trust and say what I see?

In a nutshell — its not easy especially when it can make you sound really crazy to some people.

Clairvoyance, often referred to as the “sixth sense” or “clear seeing”.

It involves gaining information beyond our ordinary senses, often through inner visions, images, or intuitive insights. While clairvoyance remains a topic of skepticism in the scientific community, many individuals claim to possess or have experienced clairvoyant abilities, I have felt this for myself.

Let’s explore what it is, why some people seem to have this gift, how to strengthen your own clairvoyance, and how to learn to trust the messages you receive.

Clairvoyance, derived from French words meaning “clear vision,” is a form of extrasensory perception (ESP). It enables individuals to perceive information about objects, people, locations, or events without relying on their physical senses. Instead, clairvoyants claim to access this information through their inner vision or a sixth sense. Some common characteristics of clairvoyance include:

Visions: Clairvoyants may experience vivid mental images, scenes, or symbols related to the information they are seeking.

Inner Knowing: Sometimes, clairvoyants have an unexplainable sense of knowing or understanding about a particular situation, person, or event.

Dreams: Many clairvoyants receive clairvoyant insights through their dreams, where they witness events or receive messages beyond ordinary dreaming.

Seeing Auras: Some clairvoyants claim to see auras or energy fields surrounding people or objects, which can provide information about their emotional or physical state. They can also see colours in the auric field which can signify the health of a person or what may be needed to assist a person with healing.

Why Do Some People Seem to Have Clairvoyant Abilities?

The existence of clairvoyance raises significant questions about the nature of human consciousness and perception. This is a touchy subject in our world that is bound by science and the need for valid ‘evidence’ which is difficult to get when dealing with a person’s sixth sense. While the scientific community remains skeptical due to the lack of the type of evidence that can be gained from conducting laboratory style experiments, there are several theories and beliefs about why some individuals may appear to have clairvoyant abilities:

Innate Talent: Some people believe that clairvoyance is an innate gift, much like musical or artistic talent. It may be present from birth or develop during early childhood.

Spiritual Connection: Many spiritual and metaphysical traditions suggest that clairvoyance is a result of a strong connection to the spiritual or psychic realms. This connection can be cultivated through practices like meditation, prayer, or energy work.

Open Mind and Sensitivity: People who are naturally open-minded and highly sensitive may be more receptive to clairvoyant experiences. These qualities can make them more attuned to subtle energies and intuitive insights.

Past-life Experiences: Some believe that clairvoyant abilities are carried over from past lives, where individuals may have developed and honed these skills.

Environmental Factors: Environmental factors such as exposure to psychic experiences or having a family history of psychic abilities may also play a role in the development of clairvoyance.

I’m also going to add surviving a traumatic experience like an accident where a person may have died and been bought back to life. This type of experience although not something any of us would want to have happen can often be the thing that will awaken gifts in people.

How Can You Strengthen Your Own Clairvoyance?

If you’re interested in exploring and developing your clairvoyant abilities, there are several practices and exercises you can undertake to enhance your intuitive and psychic senses:

Meditation: Regular meditation is a foundational practice for developing clairvoyance. Meditation helps quiet the mind, increase inner awareness, and sharpen your psychic faculties.

Visualization Exercises: Visualization is a powerful tool for strengthening your clairvoyant skills. It involves creating and manipulating mental images in your mind’s eye

Keep a Clairvoyant Journal: Maintaining a journal dedicated to your clairvoyant experiences is essential for tracking your progress and identifying pattern related to your experiences.

Trust Your Intuition: Clairvoyance often relies on trusting your inner guidance and instincts. Pay attention to your gut feelings and instincts when making decisions or interpreting clairvoyant messages.

Seek Guidance and Mentorship: Can I add that I really believe that this is one of the most important things you can do to help strengthen your abilities — Consider seeking guidance from experienced psychics or mentors who can provide valuable insights, exercises, and feedback to help you develop your clairvoyant abilities.

How Do You Learn to Trust the Messages You Receive?

Developing trust in your clairvoyant abilities can be challenging, especially when the information you receive doesn’t align with your logical or sensory perception. Here are some strategies to help you build trust in your clairvoyant insights:

Keep a Detailed Record: Maintain a detailed journal of your clairvoyant experiences, including any visions, dreams, or intuitive insights you receive. This record will allow you to evaluate the accuracy of your messages over time.

Validate Information: Whenever possible, seek ways to validate the information you receive through clairvoyance. For example, if you have a vision about a specific event, take note of whether it eventually manifests in reality. I have told former students to see what comes up in local newspapers regarding unsolved crimes and write down any intuitive insights you might have so that you can verify when new information comes forward.

Develop Discernment: Developing discernment is crucial to differentiate between genuine clairvoyant insights and mere imagination or wishful thinking. Practicing mindfulness can help you refine this skill. Receiving intuitive information ‘feels’ different and you can learn to tell the difference by practising.

Stay Open-Minded: Approach clairvoyance with an open mind while maintaining a healthy dose of skepticism. Being open to exploring your abilities while remaining critical of your experiences can help you navigate the world of psychic phenomena.

Seek Feedback: Share your clairvoyant experiences with trusted friends, mentors, or support groups. These individuals can provide feedback, insights, and perspectives that may help you gain confidence in your abilities.

Build Self-Confidence: Self-confidence plays a significant role in trusting your clairvoyant insights. As you develop your skills and witness accurate results, your confidence in your abilities is likely to grow.

Clairvoyance remains a misunderstood phenomenon that has captured the imagination of many throughout history. Kings always had a mage/ seer at court as their insight was valued. We have not moved that far forward and even in this day and age of such modern and scientific thinking we are still looking for someone who has the gift of insight and being able to tell us more about our future.

While the scientific community continues to debate its validity, individuals interested in exploring their own clairvoyant abilities can undertake various practices and exercises to enhance their psychic senses.

Developing clairvoyance requires patience, practice, and an open mind. It also involves building trust in the messages and insights received through this intuitive ability. By maintaining a journal, seeking validation, and seeking guidance from experienced mentors, you can work toward unlocking and understanding the potential of your clairvoyant gifts.

Learning to sense your environment, listen to your ‘gut’ instincts and follow your intuition and strengthen it can only be a good thing as long as you always stay grounded and always do so with an open mind. Be prepared to be wrong and to accept that you can get things wrong and you are willing to always keep learning.


I am a psychic medium and have a passion to helping people overcome road blocks and stagnation. Pleased to meet you! Find me on Facebook here:https://www.facebook.com/tarotqueenbee



The Secret Witch - Refusing to fit into any box.

Modern Mystic, Tarot professional, Claircognizant, Witchy Woman. Traveller, explorer of the esoteric and dark tourist searching for whispers from the past.