Harnessing the Power of the Dark of the Moon: A Guide to Reflection and Crystal Meditation


The dark of the moon, often referred to as the new moon phase, holds a unique energy that invites you to spend time in introspection, renewal, and setting new intentions, or reaffirming ones you have already made.

For those who follow the moon’s phases, this period offers a sacred space for deep reflection and spiritual practice.

In this article I would like to offer some ways to explore how you can utilize the energy of the dark of the moon and incorporate crystal meditation practices to enhance your experience, which is just one beautiful way of honoring the moon cycles.

The dark of the moon occurs when the moon is not visible in the sky. It marks the end of the lunar cycle and the beginning of a new one. Symbolically, it represents a time of darkness and emptiness, but also potential and new beginnings.

Just as seeds are planted in darkness before sprouting into the light, the dark of the moon is a fertile time for planting the seeds of intention and transformation.

Here are a few ways you might want to use the energy of the dark moon phase.

Use the dark of the moon as a time to reflect on your goals, desires, and dreams. Set clear intentions for the upcoming lunar cycle, focusing on what you want to manifest in your life. Write down your intentions in a journal or create a piece of art to express what you want to bring into your life. As ‘new agey’ as this might sound there is a lot of information that tells us that writing things down and being creative with these thoughts is a far better technique than just keeping the ideas in your mind.

The dark moon phase is also a good time to release anything that no longer serves you.

Think about any negative emotions, habits, or patterns that you wish to release, and perform a simple releasing ritual. This could involve writing down what you want to let go of and burning the paper, or simply meditating and visualizing releasing these energies into the universe. A very simple technique is writing key words on a piece of toilet paper and flushing it down the toilet!

You could set aside time for quiet contemplation and meditation during the dark of the moon. Go for a walk by yourself, or sit somewhere where you can gaze at the moon and drink a cup of herbal tea and have a conversation with yourself. What is hurting your heart right now? What have you not moved forward from? How can you best help yourself to heal?

Use this time for introspection and self-discovery and see what comes up. Remember to promise yourself that you will listen to your inner heart.

Everything has a cycle of being.

Honor the darkness of the moon by giving yourself permission to rest and recharge.

Take a break from your usual routine, indulge in self-care activities, and prioritize relaxation. Use this time to nourish your body, mind, and soul, so you can gain a supply of energy to face the new lunar cycle ahead.

Crystal Meditation during the Dark of the Moon

Photo from energymuse.com

Crystals have long been used for their healing properties and ability to amplify energy. During the dark of the moon, certain crystals can enhance your meditation practice and help you attune to the energy of the lunar cycle. Here are some crystals that are particularly beneficial during this time:

Black Moonstone: Known as the stone of new beginnings, black moonstone is perfect for working with the energy of the dark of the moon. It helps to enhance intuition, promote inner growth, and facilitate emotional healing.

Labradorite: Labradorite is a powerful stone for spiritual transformation and psychic development. It can assist you in navigating the depths of your subconscious mind during meditation, uncovering hidden truths and insights.

Black Tourmaline: A stone of protection, black tourmaline helps to ward off negative energy and purify your energetic field. It’s especially useful for releasing old patterns and beliefs during the dark of the moon.

Obsidian: Known as the “mirror stone,” obsidian reflects your true self back to you, allowing you to see things as they really are. It’s a potent ally for deep inner work and shadow integration.

Smoky Quartz: Smoky quartz is a grounding stone that helps to anchor your energy during meditation. It also assists in releasing any pent-up emotions or stagnant energy, allowing you to move forward with clarity and purpose.

Select one or more crystals that resonate with you and the intentions you wish to set during the dark of the moon.

Find a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. Set up a meditation altar or simply lay out your crystals in front of you.

Hold your crystals in your hands and take a few deep breaths to center yourself. Set your intentions for the meditation, focusing on what you wish to release or manifest during the lunar cycle.

Close your eyes and hold the crystals in your hands or place them on your body in the corresponding chakra points. Allow yourself to relax and enter a meditative state, focusing on your breath and the energy of the crystals.

As you meditate, visualize yourself surrounded by the energy of the dark of the moon. Reflect on your intentions, allowing any insights or emotions to arise naturally.

When you feel ready, gently come out of the meditation and express gratitude for the experience. Thank the crystals for their assistance and release any attachments to the outcome of your intentions.

The dark of the moon offers a powerful opportunity for reflection, introspection, and setting intentions for the future. By using the energy of this time in the lunar cycle and incorporating crystal meditation practices, you can deepen your connection to your journey.

Use the time of darkness as one of super potential and renewal, knowing that with each lunar cycle comes the opportunity for growth and a time of resetting your intentions.


I am a claircognizant psychic tarot card reader, manifesting coach, paranormal explorer, witch and I have a passion for helping people overcome road blocks and stagnation and to find the magic in the world. Pleased to meet you!

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The Secret Witch - Refusing to fit into any box.

Modern Mystic, Tarot professional, Claircognizant, Witchy Woman. Traveller, explorer of the esoteric and dark tourist searching for whispers from the past.