The Difficulties of Spiritual Bypassing


Spiritual bypassing refers to the tendency to use spiritual beliefs or practices as a way to avoid or bypass uncomfortable emotions, unresolved issues, or personal growth. To be honest I have seen so much more of this in the last few years than I have ever encountered before in my 30 plus years of being connected in this field as a Tarot reader, Spiritual Coach and Healer.

While spirituality can be a valuable tool for self-exploration and healing, relying on it solely as a means to escape or suppress challenging experiences can lead to various difficulties. We need to be able to solve our own problems and own the stuff ups that we all make.

Spiritual bypassing often involves denying or suppressing difficult emotions rather than facing and processing them. This can result in unresolved emotional issues and a lack of emotional growth and maturity.

When you always default the reasons for things not turning out to the fact that ‘The Universe chose a different outcome’, ‘It must not have been the right time for me’, ‘My spirit guides are going to give me a sign’ etc, then you are not taking responsibility for creating your own future and you are consistently waiting for a SIGN that is really something that is very tentative at best.

When is the ‘sign’ the right sign?

Maybe the sign you thought was a sign was not the RIGHT sign?

Which sign should you be waiting for?

By using spiritual practices to bypass personal issues, individuals may avoid confronting their own shadows, blind spots, and areas for personal growth. This can hinder self-awareness and prevent true healing and transformation.

When spiritual bypassing is employed, individuals may prioritize maintaining a positive and enlightened facade, leading to shallow and inauthentic interactions. This can prevent genuine connection and intimacy with others. It can lead to toxic positivity where you turn everything around to be better than things really are and you never take action.

Spiritual bypassing can be a way to evade personal responsibility for one’s actions or choices. By attributing everything to “divine will” or believing that “everything happens for a reason,” individuals may avoid accountability and fail to address the consequences of their behavior. My ‘spirit guides told me to do it’ is a phrase that I have heard as the reason for having taken a particular step forward. Does that make a person better than someone else if they have had divine guidance in decision making?

What if things turn out wrong? Does that person still say that their spirit guides told them to do it? Or, in that instance do they not say anything? Can you blame your spirit guides for decisions that turn out to be epic failures?

True personal growth often involves facing and working through difficult emotions, past traumas, and unresolved issues. When spiritual bypassing is used, individuals may remain stuck in their comfort zones, inhibiting their ability to grow, evolve, and fully heal.

Spiritual bypassing can lead to a disconnection from the present moment and a fixation on attaining spiritual or transcendent experiences. This can prevent individuals from fully engaging with their lived experiences, relationships, and the challenges of everyday life. Being engaged in hours of meditation, yoga, spiritual circles and discussions on what crystals to use are beneficial, but not at the cost of dealing with the normal functions that need to be completed within a household to keep a roof over a person’s head and paying the bills.

It’s important to approach spirituality with a balanced perspective, acknowledging and addressing both the light and shadow aspects of our existence. Integrating spiritual practices with emotional and psychological work can promote holistic well-being and personal growth.

Seeking the guidance of a qualified therapist or counselor can be beneficial in navigating and avoiding the pitfalls of spiritual bypassing.

Recognizing the signs of spiritual bypassing can help individuals become more aware of when they are using spiritual practices to avoid or bypass uncomfortable aspects of their lives. Here are some common signs to look out for:

Emotional detachment: People engaging in spiritual bypassing may appear emotionally detached or unaffected by challenging situations. They might dismiss or minimize their own or others’ emotions, believing that they should rise above them.

Denial of negativity: There can be a strong focus on maintaining positive vibes and avoiding anything negative. Individuals may avoid acknowledging or addressing difficult emotions, conflicts, or uncomfortable truths.

Premature forgiveness: Rather than working through the process of healing and forgiveness, spiritual bypassers may quickly jump to forgiveness without fully acknowledging or processing the pain and hurt caused by others.

Overemphasis on positivity: There is an excessive emphasis on positive thinking, often dismissing or invalidating genuine negative experiences. This can lead to an inability to authentically engage with and process life’s challenges.

Intellectualizing experiences: Spiritual bypassers may rely heavily on intellectualizing or philosophizing about their experiences instead of truly feeling and processing them. They might use spiritual concepts and jargon to bypass the emotional and experiential aspects of their lives.

Avoidance of personal responsibility: Individuals practicing spiritual bypassing may avoid taking personal responsibility for their actions or choices by attributing them solely to “divine will” or believing that everything happens for a predetermined reason.

Judgment and spiritual superiority: There can be a tendency to judge others who are experiencing difficulties or challenging emotions, believing that their own spiritual practices make them superior or more enlightened.

Disconnection from the body: Spiritual bypassers may dissociate from their physical bodies and prioritize spiritual experiences over the needs and sensations of their own bodies. They may neglect self-care or physical well-being.

Suppression of shadow aspects: Instead of acknowledging and integrating their shadow aspects or unresolved issues, spiritual bypassers may attempt to bypass or transcend them through spiritual practices, preventing true healing and growth.

I hope that this article has given you some things to think about on your journey to balance a grounded spiritual practice and normal day to day functionality.

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The Secret Witch - Refusing to fit into any box.

Modern Mystic, Tarot professional, Claircognizant, Witchy Woman. Traveller, explorer of the esoteric and dark tourist searching for whispers from the past.