Renata Gomes
1 min readAug 2, 2017


Change racism to misogyny (I'm Brazilian and, here, I'm considered "white", which I personally find an insult haha) and Facebook did pretty much the exact same thing to me a number of times. Due to my feminism, I get a lot of hateful messages in my Facebook inbox, and even though I've reported all of them, they did absolutely nothing about it. I am, as or right now, blocked from TWO Facebook profiles. From the first one, because I wrote a post explaining why the "not all men" trope is sexist and offensive to women. The post was censored by Facebook who blocked me for SEVEN DAYS. My second profile, created because the original one was blocked, was then also banned for three days, because I wrote a post explaining what my first post meant. I guarantee that nome of my posts qualify as "hate speech", but apparently Facebook policies trump not only the American 1st amendment, but also the Brazilian Civil Rights Framework for the Internet and our Constitution as well.

As a scholar in the field of digital humanities and as a feminist, I intend to write about this issue for various sources and I would love to translate this post to Portuguese (with credits and a link to this post), in order to spread it and use it as yet another of many examples of Facebook silencing women, people of color and members of various other minorities. Would that be okay?

Thank you for sharing your experience and best of luck with the various fights :)

