Introduction — Writing Dockerfiles like a software developer

Renato Mefi
1 min readSep 4, 2018


I’ve seen all sorts and kinds of Dockerfiles and while observing many different approaches, trying to understand what would be better for my case I caught myself trying to do it just like how I write my software!

In this series of articles I’ll try in small steps try to make something that is pleasant to be maintained, has an upgrade path and that makes me feel confident about making changes. Literally trying to create something you won’t regret later!

The final goal looks like this: (Feels good I must say)

The articles are as follow:

  1. Introduction (You are here)
  2. Linting your Dockerfile and Shell scripts
  3. Vulnerabilities Scan
  4. Unit testing
  5. Functional testing (Writing it as you read the first 3)
  6. Performance testing (Waiting..)
  7. Local development made easy (Waiting..)
  8. CI/CD (Waiting..)

I hope you enjoy the series and please give me all the feedback, suggestions or comments you have, if possible let’s make this a place where we build up knowledge together!

2019–02–27 Update: Usabilla has open sourced our Docker PHP images, much of what you’re (and will) read here is applied there, go check it out:

Have fun!



Renato Mefi

ZCE, ZCPE, ZFCE, LPIC-1, LFCS, LFCE Professional. a.k.a.: A guy who loves linux and software development!