9 videos that will help you kick off your startup

Renato Xavier
2 min readDec 22, 2015

1º — Your idea your motivation: How to make imaginative ideas a reality.

2º — Starting up: What really matters?

3º — Creating trends and Innovation: We already know how to scale technology, now we need to learn how to scale our organization.

4º — Building teams: Creating a good HR practices into your company should be part of your strategy from day one.

5º — Design your product: Design and usability are the most important aspects to acquire and retain customers.

6º — Marketing, Growth & Sales: Building a great product is an important step but you also need to bring it to the market.

7º — Legal & Accounting: Make sure you are doing the right thing.

8º — Money & Fundraising: Before going asking money, take a look on this video.

9º — Extra: To wrap up you can’t miss this video by Guy Kawasaki at Singularity University.

