Cyan REN
3 min readAug 21, 2019

Blockchain is becoming more and more popular in banking industry, and AJM digital bank is the trend of the times

A recent news said: Canadian banking institutions will use blockchain technology to manage consumer identity! As soon as the news was released, it caused an uproar in the industry.

Five years ago, some Canadian banks came up with the idea of managing the digital identity of consumers.

At first, focus on authentication: Let consumers use the same username and password on multiple websites, mainly banks and government websites. The Concierge system managed by SecureKey is a way to simplify the lives of customers. The system maintains 7 million Canadian consumer files, adding 250,000 copies per month.

Subsequently, the banks announced that they will use blockchain technology to fully implement identity solutions on this basis. The participating institutions include the Bank of Montreal, the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, and the Royal Bank of Canada, Royal Bank of Canada, Scotiabank, Toronto TD Bank, Desjardins Group, IBM and SecureKey.

Although only a small number of banks are interested in customer identity management around the world, Bank of Canada believes that in this rapidly growing e-commerce world, this service is important for the survival of banks and can provide a stable source of income. At present, the digital identity pilot using blockchain technology is running in an orderly manner, and the project is planned to be officially released at the end of the year.

The global digital identity model is expected to be popularized around the world

The digital identity model supported by blockchain technology is favored by the Bank of Canada because of its decentralization, high efficiency and low consumption, and security.

Chuck Hounsell, senior vice president of TD Bank Payments, said, “If we can participate in the transaction and add value to it, we can apply our payment function to these transactions to improve our relationship with our customers.”

Greg Wolfond, founder and CEO of SecureKey Technologies, said the company has focused on the global digital identity model and found that it does not need a middleman model.

Banks participating in digital identity projects plan to charge participants, such as telecommunications companies and owners who use bank digital identity services to verify customer’s identities; Provide privacy and security, and allow consumers to control their identity information and other services. In addition, SecureKey and IBM have joined forces to promote this service worldwide.

Jewish merchant AJM opens the pinnacle of digital identity technology

Jewish Saint JT, blend the blockchain technology and Jewish civilization, combining Bitcoin with the global cryptoasset AJM to create a great, Turing-complete circular symbiotic value chain, and then launch the digital identity and digital bank to support the entire network ecosystem! This is a “new wealth game rule running on the blockchain”: a core goal to support the ecological construction under the free will of the entire network through the establishment of a globally distributed digital bank!

Of course, this is only part of the Jewish merchant AJM project. In the future, we will also take advantage of the block chain technology to build a new civilization milestone for all mankind.

Join the Jewish merchant AJM, the Jewish saint JT will share the civilization, create wealth and the future together with the global colleagues!

The following is telegram groups of AJM project, welcome to the groups!