RNDR Phase I — Development Begins Now!

Render Network
Render Network
Published in
3 min readOct 13, 2017

By Jules Urbach

Dear RNDR Community,

Today the marks the finalization of our RNDR “Genesis” Token Sale, and the official launch of development of Phase I of the RNDR network.

I want to thank all of you who contributed. You are truly part of something special and unique — and your “genesis” RNDR tokens are forever linked to the creation block of the RNDR Network thanks to the blockchain itself.

The RNDR community has been amazing. Your passion for what we are building together is inspiring to me and the whole team. I know there were many who wanted to get RNDR in this initial sale — there will be more opportunities to do so in the future near completion of Phase I.

Our first step towards the completion of Phase I feature is now live on ORC (orc.otoy.com). RNDR can be used in place of USD on ORC to measure job cost, usage metrics of jobs (OctaneBench x time) and account balances:

Soon, your newly minted RNDR tokens coming from this initial sale, will be redeemable on ORC for OctaneBench jobs, just as USD is today:

We also want to give participants more clarity into the breakdown of the RNDR token post-initial sale. Although we have stated that team members, founders, and advisors are receiving 10% of the tokens, we do not plan to disburse the majority of those until we move along with our future Token Sale. In addition, the 65% of tokens allocated and distributed to the Render User Development Fund will be kept locked until the RNDR network infrastructure is ready to take on such a scale of RNDR tokens.

More importantly, these tokens will also not be ranked ordinally high enough to be accepted by ORC during this time. Your 4 million+ “genesis” tokens will therefore exclusively power the token transactions of RNDR work done ORC during this period .

In the coming months, we will also be introducing many new types of jobs on ORC/RNDR — including AI denoising. The example below denoised each 2 second clip for about 1x $RNDR:

In addition, with GPU Texture Baking in Unity launching to all Unity users this month, we anticipate gigapixel size light map render jobs being sent to ORC by Unity game developers:

Looking back on what we have just created this past week — and ahead to what will be done with this foundation, I feel more passionate than ever to RNDR the future — together — with all of you.

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