
Renette Steele
4 min readAug 23, 2018



Renette seemed to wiggle and talk none stop. She stood all of three feet tall, her eyes muddy brown pools of mischief, her golden hair in braids. She bounced on her toes, “Mommy, time to go? When can we go?”

Mommy hugs her daughter, “We will go when daddy gets home. Patience dear, now go play with your brother so I can finish getting ready.”

Renette Skips off to find Ricky. Her brother is sixteen months older, her best friend. She plans to marry him one day. They’ll live across the street from mommy and daddy, pretend they don’t know them.

Daddy comes home. They all pile into the blue English ford. (About the size of a VW bug)

Daddy turns on the ham radio and checks in, then plugs in some classical music. Ricky
plays with his cars, reads books and watches the scenery flash past. Mommy pulls out some books and dolls for Renette. Who flips a few pages before she gets up on her knees, “Daddy, it’s a long trip right? Do we get to spend the night in the tel, uh? Daddy your radio’s making noise. Mommy I want a drink. Did we bring snacks?” Only stopping long enough to breathe.

Daddy smiles,”Yes, honey, we get to spend the night. It will be fun. Now sit down and read your books.”

Renette wiggles back into her seat, opening a book, “Once upon a time, a kitty went for a walk. Daddy, who you talking to? Where are they? I like this music, let’s sing! We’re going on a trip to Jellystone to see what we can see. We’re gonna find a bear, oh, my, what shall we see…?”

Daddy can’t help chuckling; he tries distracting Renette by telling her about who is on the radio. ”Listen, there is someone in a plane, on a boat, one riding a bicycle, even the train over there is talking to us.” This only seems to wind her up more. “You know Renette if you don’t stop talking, I’ll have to feed you to the bears.”

Renette not missing a note, “Oh my daddy’s so silly.”

A few hours later mommy turns in her seat and holds Renette’s hand,”Now, sweetie, let’s play the quiet game.”

The next morning starts out much like the others. Daddy keying The radio mic, “WA7DDH, willy, able, seven, dancing, dina, hotel, mobile by car, in route to Jellowstone. What’s your qt? ” He draws in a breath. “Renette. Sit down, be still.”

Renette bounces on the seat, “Okay, Daddy. Do we have far to go? The trees are pretty.”

Letting out a long sigh, Daddy says, “Not far today. I need you to sit and whisper. If you don’t I will feed you to the bears.”

Looking out the window, with a little gasp, “O-k-a-y. Daddy, you’re a tease. I don’t see any bears. Where do the bears live? Are we there yet?”

Running a hand over his head, He says. “Honey, come up here and sit on mommies lap.”

She crawls to the front, “I get to sit up here? Oh, you can see everywhere. It’s hot! Can we open the window?”

They reach the park entrance, stopping to pay the fees, Renette leans close to daddy, “We’re gonna see the m-u-d!”

Mommy rummages in her purse, pulling out two suckers, handing each child one, hoping it will help. She pushes open the little wing window. Like a dog, Renette presses up to it with her mouth open, trying to catch the wind. Squealing with delight, “Look I see Smokey bear! Smokey’s on the sign.”

Proceeding about a mile into the park they come to a long line of stopped cars watching two mamma bears with three cubs and a young bear. The young bear saunters over to the car, rises up on its hind legs, placing his front paws on the roof of the car and sticks his nose in the window, touching Renette’s nose. She scotches back tight into mommies lap. Believing her daddy’s words. She doesn’t talk for the next two days.

Our Father in heaven also means what he says and keeps His promises. Don’t wait for the bear (the Devil) to show up before you believe Him.



Renette Steele

Wife, Mother, Nana, retired teacher, who loves GOD, Family, Travel, being creative, reading and writing to honor the the LORD.