Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy: The Ultimate Solution To Reverse Thinning Hair

Renew Medical Centers
4 min readJul 19, 2022

For over two decades, orthopedic specialists have employed platelet-rich plasma PRP therapy to treat patients with joint injuries and other severe disorders like osteoarthritis or rotator cuff tears. The emerging technique is now showing considerable promise in terms of hair regrowth. The problem of hair loss is not unique to you. Approximately 80 million American people, roughly 50 million men, and 30 million women are experiencing hair loss.

If your hair is considerably thinner and you’re concerned about the future, it may be time to try platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy for hair restoration. This blog is specially tailored to help you know about the absolute benefits of PRP treatment for hair loss.

What causes hair thinning issues?

While it is normal to lose up to 100 hairs every day, if your hair is becoming progressively and obviously thin, something else may be going on. Hair thinning usually occurs over time, and the cause might be genetics, health difficulties, lifestyle factors, or a mix of these things.

The following are some of the most common reasons for hair thinning:

  • A lack of vitamins
  • Long-term stress
  • Unbalanced hormones
  • Using harmful hair styling products
  • Ponytails and other tight hairstyles

Androgenetic alopecia (male or female pattern baldness) is a genetic disorder characterized by shrinking hair follicles. This shrinkage leads the hairs produced by the follicles to become thinner, weaker, and more prone to falling out.

Because baldness is primarily a genetic issue, having thinning hair does not always guarantee you’ll go bald. If you are unhappy with the look of your hair, you may begin treatment right once to restore your hair’s health and avoid further thinning.

How Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy can be beneficial?

Because of its numerous medicinal benefits, PRP hair treatment is becoming increasingly popular. These advantages include:

  1. Safety

PRP treatment employs your own cells. There is no possibility of rejection or allergic response.

  1. Minimal annoyance

Because PRP therapy does not entail surgery, you should only feel moderate discomfort, comparable to when you get blood work done at your regular doctor’s checkups.

  1. Convenience

There is no downtime or recovery time with PRP hair treatment. You can drive and resume normal activities immediately following the surgery.

  1. Effective

Many patients benefit from this strategy. The results may be noticeable three months after your surgery, but the full benefits may not be seen for another year.

  1. Versatile

Doctors may suggest this procedure to replace facial hair as well as scalp hair.

When your hair starts to grow back in, it may have a huge impact on your appearance and feeling of confidence. With a head full of hair, you might seem younger and, in some situations, healthier. As a result, you may be more eager to confront new social settings and obstacles at work. All individuals with thinning hair can benefit from Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy. However, if you have alopecia or an immunological condition that affects the hair follicles, the outcomes can be genuinely transformational.

Does the PRP treatment hurt?

Although it may appear uncomfortable, we ensure that your scalp is fully numb so that you do not feel the small needle pricks. Our patients tolerate the surgery nicely. You don’t even need to take any time off following your appointment. It’s such a simple process that you may go back to work, school, or your usual activities right away.

What to expect during PRP hair restoration?

First, a dermatologist collects a blood sample and centrifuges it. The blood is swiftly spun by the centrifuge to separate the platelets from the other components in your blood.

The doctor will then injects the generated platelet serum into targeted regions of your scalp to stimulate new hair growth. To attain the desired results, you’ll most likely require three sessions of PRP injections spaced 4–6 weeks apart.

You won’t notice a significant difference in your hair right away since it takes time for new cells to form and follicles to grow hair. Your hair should grow quicker and feel thicker over time as a result of the therapy.

Say goodbye to thinning hair problem!

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy proves to be the best solution to deal with hair loss issues. So are you looking for the best treatment for PRP for hair loss in Cincinnati? We at Renew Medical Center have got you covered. We ensure to provide the best PRP hair loss treatment to help you get your confidence back. Schedule an appointment now!



Renew Medical Centers

Based in Cincinnati, Renew Medical Centers provides advanced regenerative cell therapy and platelet rich plasma (PRP) injections to treat joint pain.