Top 5 Rooftop Solar Myths That Are False

Passport Agent
3 min readMay 28, 2019


Solar panels are getting famous every day and there is a strong reason behind that. The cost of conventional grid sources is rapidly increasing and so is its inconsistency, due to which, both individuals and organizations are switching to more sustainable and cheaper sources of energy. Solar power being one of the cheapest and most easily accessible source, is preferred across the nation. The sun is not going down any soon but there are many myths associated with solar that will go down today as we move forward.

1. Rooftop Solar Cost Is High

Contradictory to this myth, the cost is actually much cheaper than grid. And as you keep using the solar power, with time, the cost eventually can drop down even to almost none. Even though the installation of solar panel may cost high in the beginning, but, it is only a one-time cost. Also, with solar getting popular, the cost of procurement is dropping tremendously. Add to it, the government subsidies and incentives which help you save your pocket from bearing a big hole.

2. Rooftop Solar Maintenance Is High

The solar products sold earlier had mirror technology which was quite a high maintenance product. They needed regular cleaning and waxing. But the new PV solar panels that are installed on rooftop solar panels have micro technology which is highly efficient, durable and consists of no moving parts at all. This makes them one of the least maintenance products as well as the cheapest ones too. The spare parts also come in cheap or are warranted by the service provider itself. So, rooftop solar in the current scenario is quite low maintenance and will even get lower with coming time.

3. The Prices Will Fall

The solar industry has dropped its pricing over the past 10 years faster than anything else. But, that is only because of the promotional motive of both the companies and the governmental support associated with it. Just like any other market, as soon as this product becomes common, its prices will stop falling down with rising competition. Apart from this, the incentives and subsidies that make them even cheaper may go away with time too. So, if you are thinking that waiting on the prices to drop further is a cost efficient option, you may wrong at large. The cost of grid power is also increasing which means that the longer you wait to switch, more will you pay for expensive grid power.

4. Tracking & Management Is Complicated

This basically depends on your service provider. For instance, ReNew Power is one of the most preferred solar companies because it takes care of its customers all the way. They even sign contracts with locked-in tariffs for up to 25 years. It also provides complete tracking and regular maintenance of solar system for you at quite a nominal annual maintenance fee. And, if you opt for the OPEX model, your investment in the solar panel itself is zero. All you will need to pay is the monthly electricity consumption charge which is much lower than grid cost.

5. Only Sunny & Hot Places Work For Rooftop Solar

It may be true for the ancient times when the technology was not advanced enough to optimize sunlight. But, if this was true even for today, none of the rainy areas would install rooftop solar. Solar systems us sun light, not sun rays. So, as far as the meaning of a day stays true, your solar panel will grab as much energy as there is light in the air. Clouds on the other hand do not affect the solar efficiency much either. Even if you take weather in consideration, the solar panels do not. They work just the same on a cold day as much as they would on a dry and sunny day.

So, if you have available rooftop space on your estate, going solar is one of the best use you can think of for it. It will not only give you more consistent power throughout, but will also enable huge power procurement cost savings for long-term.



Passport Agent

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