What to Include in a BATTLE MAP and Why? Grid Encounter Maps.

3 min readJun 8, 2023


Improve your Battle Maps and Encounters

Join me, Ren, as I take you on a journey into the world of fantasy battle map creation. In this video commentary, I’ll share my insights and tips on how to make your battle maps more engaging and immersive. From strategic planning to storytelling elements, let’s delve into the details that bring these maps to life.

Setting the Foundation: Grids and Proportions. To ensure a well-balanced map, it’s crucial to start with a grid system that helps maintain proportions and aids in strategic planning. Keeping track of openings and passages allows players to navigate the battlefield effectively. Remember, a well-defined grid fosters tactical decision-making.

Crafting a Narrative Through Color and Texture: One of my artistic preferences is to experiment with various colors and textures. By employing a diverse color palette for floors and objects, we can capture attention and infuse life into the map. Remember, a visually rich map not only engages players but also serves as a vessel for storytelling.

Strategic Elements: Cover and Obstacles. Creating zones of cover is pivotal in battle maps. Incorporating barrels, crates, and other objects of varying sizes not only adds dynamism but also allows players to develop unique narratives. Strategic positioning of cover elements enhances the gameplay experience and keeps players on their toes.

Details and Atmosphere: Bringing the Map to Life. Pay attention to the finer details that breathe life into the map. From shadows and lighting effects to decorations and thematic elements, these additions contribute to the overall ambiance and immerse players further into the world you’ve created. Remember, the devil, I mean… the Dungeon Master is in the details…

Revealing Secrets and Room Design: Unveiling hidden passages and secret rooms adds an element of mystery and intrigue to your battle map. Utilizing unique objects, such as oversized barrels or disguised entrances, engages players in uncovering the secrets of the map. Surprise them with unexpected twists and turns!

Boss Rooms and Unique Furnishings: In the final stage, design the boss room to be distinctive and memorable. Consider incorporating special furnishings, such as ornate beds or altars, that reflect the theme and purpose of the room. A well-appointed boss room not only adds flavor but also enhances the overall narrative and gaming experience.

Vampire Tavern Inn — Top Floor

Conclusion: Crafting captivating battle maps requires attention to detail, strategic planning, and a touch of artistic finesse. By leveraging grid systems, colors, cover elements, and thematic design, we can create immersive worlds that breathe life into tabletop gaming experiences. I hope this commentary provided you with valuable insights and inspiration for your own battle map creations. Remember, the possibilities are limitless, so unleash your creativity and embark on extraordinary gaming adventures!

Thank you for joining me today. If you found these tips helpful or have any suggestions, please leave a comment below. Until next time, happy map-making!




I'm Ren, a digital artist specializing in fantasy world maps, RPG battlemaps, and Board Games. YouTube: Speed paint and tutorials. Patreon: Monthly battlemaps.