User Journey Map: A Universal Tool for Deep Diving into User Flow

Combining research results and product analysis in one framework

Reni Khafizova
2 min readFeb 26, 2023

User Journey Map is a commonly used tool by product teams to determine on which stage users have some issues with a product. In this article I shed light on practical usage of UJM in a way of improving user interaction with the product using an extraordinary approach.

What is a User Journey Map?

A User Journey Map is a diagram that shows a customer’s stages during interaction with a product. Besides stages, UJM also includes information about users’ phases, intentions and actions, pain points, touchpoints and emotional status. However, It is important to note that the map’s composition depends on the aim you want to achieve with the UJM

What value does UJM bring?

In my case, the UJM was created to analyze the current user flow by focusing on stages where pain points appear.

The next step was to prioritize pain points by scenarios from the most critical to the least critical for the user, such as scenario breakage, barriers, and inconvenience.

Then, I collected user journey analytics obtained from the analysis by passing through application screens and overlaid it on the User Journey Map.

This is an example of a User Journey Map: a user is buying food for his pet on the website

User Journey Map helps to determine which stages need special attention. For example, on the “payment” stage, the UJM shows many critical pain points, and the conversion rate is only 17%. Fixing the most critical pain points on this stage can directly improve the conversion rate.

UJM promotes a product design approach that centers around the user, leading to an enhanced user experience.

I appreciate you for reading my first article. I hope you enjoyed it!



Reni Khafizova

Customer Experience Manager at the International company, focusing on human-centered design