Ren Kun
1 min readJul 7, 2018

Trusted Cars Flex turning dealerships into mobility service providers

We don’t just want to solve the problem of dealerships with their increasing lot time. More importantly, we firmly believe that the business model of dealerships will change dramatically in the long-term as a consequence of our advancement.

Dealerships will not just continue with their traditional business of one-time vehicle sales but provide new mobility concepts for a new, emerging generation of customers.

But more than 90% of dealerships don’t have any expertise in IT, e-commerce, AI, chatbots, apps or marketing to provide such a solution. TrustedCars Flex as a high-tech company will help dealerships move up the technology change curve, with an easy accessible all-in-one solution turning dealerships into mobility providers without any upfront investments.

For more details visit their website at