Welcome to The Future of Car Ownership!

Ren Kun
2 min readJul 8, 2018


It could be a hard decision for some guys who never thought about it before. Maybe it feels a bit strange in the beginning. Maybe you must discuss about it with your girlfriend or your neighbors. But when you suffered from all those obstacles you will love it. Not owning a car. Some of you will say no way, forget it. Some of you will say I am bike-raider anyway. But when you are used to own something till the day you got your drivers license (at least very hard work here in Germany) you will not give it up for no good reason.

But now there is a very good reason. Save the money to buy a car, save the insurance, save the taxes, save the costs for maintenance and at least save the value loss over the years. The reason is TrustedCars FLEX which offers motorists a flexible, all-inclusive and affordable solution to drive a car of their choice. SUV in the winter, convertible in springtime or a station wagon for road trips with your family. No problem! Choose a car from a car dealership in your neighborhood, and just drive it. No additional costs, no long-term commitments, no paperwork. It will all be organized with Smart contracts on the TrustedCars FLEX app. You just need a mobile device to register, choose a car, reserve it and do the payment. Your data will be saved on the high security level of a Blockchain. The entire process is faster, saver and more efficient.

Like I said. I might be unfamiliar, but you won´t regret it.

