A New Year, A New Beginning

11 min readJan 10, 2021


December 30

Kayla dropped her bag off in her new room. She looked around and shrugged.

“What a crappy year!” She said to herself.

First she lost her job. Then she got lucky and found another one. It didn’t pay as much, so to save money, she moved in with her boyfriend. As Christmas approached, she heard rumors her boyfriend was going to propose to her. Instead of proposing, he decided to break up with her on Christmas Eve. It all started with what to have for dinner the next day.

“Look, I can make ham too. Let me make up a pan of Manicotti also. That is my family tradition too.” She said to her boyfriend.

“You don’t understand, my family ALWAYS HAS HAM!” Her boyfriend yelled back.

“I’m trying to compromise here. I said I can make up a ham. This is part of being together, we have to find a compromise. We can have both.” She replied softly.


She had grabbed what she could and went to her parents house for a couple of days to cool off. As she arrived she received a text.

Look, if you are going to be like this, then I’m done.

She read and reread the message over the course of the next couple of days. She didn’t know what she did wrong. She was a loving girlfriend. She did her best to make her boyfriend happy. Now she was moving in with an old friend.

Her friend Maggie heard what happened and the day after Christmas she showed up to Kayla’s parents’ house.

“Kayla, are you ok?” Maggie asked her friend since high school, while giving her a hug.

“Yeah. He broke up with me because of a ham.” Kayla replied in tears.

“Yeah I heard. Look, it is up to you, but I have an extra room. Come stay with me. We always said that we needed to be roomies.” Maggie replied with a smile.

“I don’t want to impose. I mean what if you have a date or something like that?” Kayla said.

“Let me figure that out. Take a couple of days to think about it and call or text me if you want to move in.” Maggie replied giving her friend another hug. Then she said,

“Now come on. Let’s go have some fun. Get dressed!”

That night they went out to a club for the night. She realized that Maggie brought her to a lesbian club. She didn’t have a problem with it. When they were both 19 they did have a bit of a lesbian fling together. Now they were both 24. As they danced together she forgot her troubles for a bit and that night as she laid bed she decided to move in with Maggie.

Now she was moving her things into the spare room. Maggie had helped her get her things from her ex-boyfriend. Now Maggie was bringing her things into the house as Kayla organized the room to her liking.

As Kayla opened the closet she noticed a silver cocktail dress in the closet. She saw Maggie carrying a bunch of her clothes into the room and placing them on the bed.

“What’s with the dress?” Kayla asked.

“Oh, that’s for tomorrow night. New Year’s Eve? Start of the new year? You’re going to be my date!” Maggie replied with a smile.

“Your date?” Kayla asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Look, one night as my date tomorrow night. We’ve done it before. Besides, what were you going to do? Mope around the house, drink all my wine, and binge on all my ice cream?” Maggie replied with a smile.

Kayla looked up at her friend. Maggie was 2 days older than her and was 5' 8" tall. She had 36 D breasts, a 24 inch waist and 35 inch hips. Her green eyes twinkled in mischief. Her reddish brown hair hung in waves stopping at her shoulder blades. Kayla stood at 5' 4". Her 34 B breasts were perky but she wished they were a tad bigger. She had a 20 in waist and 33 inch hips. Her brown eyes had a soft look to them and her light brown hair ended at her shoulders.

“You know me too well!” Kayla replied with a smile.

“Let’s get your things put up and then I’ll order a pizza. Tonight we’ll mope around the house in our pajamas and drink all my wine and binge on ice cream while we watch a couple of sappy Rom-coms!” Maggie said as she helped Kayla put her things away.

Once they were finished, Maggie went to her room to change while Kayla put on a nightgown. As she walked into the living room She saw Maggie on the phone.

“Yeah I need a medium supreme and a medium pepperoni and mushroom. Plus an order of cheese sticks.” Kayla heard her say.

“Ok, 30 minutes then. No THANK YOU!” Maggie said with a smile.

Kayla smiled when Maggie ended the call. Maggie then walked into her kitchen and came out with a bottle of wine and two glasses. Maggie selected a movie and they sat on the couch. As was their usual routine, they made comments about the movie with a laugh. When the pizza showed up, Maggie paid for it and she set them down on the coffee table. Kayla slid herself closer to Maggie and they continued their discussion as they ate.

After the movie was over, Kayla put the rest of the pizza away and Maggie pulled out two pints of ice cream.

“Moose Tracks for me and Cookie Dough for you!” Maggie said, handing Kayla her ice cream and a spoon.

This time Kayla cuddled close to Maggie. She felt a comfort that had been missing for several years. As they ate their ice cream they continued to talk and they stole a bit from each other. After the movie they went to their separate rooms and went to sleep.

December 31

Kayla woke up and she felt the emptiness again. As she started to cry in the shower she let her mind go back to when she and Maggie were 19. They decided to take the summer to tour several states. It was the last night of their trip and they were in a club.

“Kayla, these past few months were fun. I have something to say. I love you.” Maggie had said.

“I love you too as a friend!” Kayla replied with a smile.

“Yeah as a friend.” Maggie said with a slight disappointment in her voice that Kayla missed.

“This was a great idea and I had fun. I’ll always remember this trip!” Kayla replied.

“Friends no matter what?” Maggie asked, not wanting to push Kayla farther.

“Of course!” Kayla replied giving Maggie a hug.

“She said she loved me. I do too, but I was too scared to say so, that’s why I said as friends.” Kayla thought to herself as the tears fell from her eyes.

“I wonder if she still loves me. We are still good friends.” Kayla continued as she finished her shower.

She threw on jeans and a sweatshirt. She saw Maggie heating up the leftover pizza for their lunch.

“I’d forgotten how much you hate leftovers in the fridge!” Kayla laughed as Maggie handed her a plate.

“I’ve gotten better, but I really didn’t want to have a sandwich.” Maggie replied with a smile.

“So what’s the plan roomie?” Kayla asked with a smile.

“After lunch we have an appointment for our hair and makeup. Then back here to change. Alberto’s for dinner, then out to a club.” Maggie replied with a smile.

“Sounds good!” Kayla replied as she took the plates to the dishwasher.

As they drove to the salon Maggie looked over at Kayla.

“Kayla, I want to say something real quick. I know you’ve struggled this past year. Don’t worry about rent. If you wish to buy groceries from time to time then you can. Save your money, Lord knows I have more than enough.” Maggie said.

Kayla frowned. Maggie’s grandparents set up a trust fund for her. That was the reason they took the trip when they were 19. Her friend always gave Kayla things with nothing expected in return. Maggie didn’t act like a spoiled rich girl either. In fact she was frugal. She didn’t flaunt her wealth, instead she hid it well.

At the salon they had their hair, makeup, and nails done. On their way home Kayla was quiet and looking out the window. She kept remembering the trip they took when they were 19.

“Hey, I found a club that we can go to. Let’s have some fun tonight.” Maggie had said in their hotel room.

“Really? Go out? I’m a bit tired from the drive.” Kayla replied.

“Come on. We decided to have this adventure. Part of an adventure is discovering new things!” Maggie replied while pulling Kayla off of the bed.

That night they went to a club. Unlike other clubs they’ve been to, it was a lesbian club. As Kayla looked around the room, she noticed women dancing and kissing each other. Then Maggie pulled her to the back area of the bar. Kayla’s eyes went wide at the scene. On stage there was a woman fucking another one with a Strapon. She started to feel herself get wet.

“That is so HOT!” Maggie said to Kayla.

“Actually it is!” Kayla replied, not taking her eyes off of the stage as the woman who was being fucked had a massive orgasm.

“What are you thinking about?” Maggie asked.

“The trip we went on when we were 19. The club we went to, I think it was our 2nd night of our trip.” Kayla replied with a smile.

“It was our 3rd night!” Maggie said with a laugh at that memory.

“I have a crazy idea! How about we have a bit of a friendly competition? Winner gets to choose tomorrow night’s activity.” Maggie said with a smile.

“What do you want to do?” Kayla asked worriedly.

“A little show, the second one to orgasm wins!” Maggie had replied while taking Kayla’s hand in hers.

“I don’t know.” Kayla replied hesitantly.

“No one knows us here. Relax. If you really don’t want to do it, don’t.” Maggie replied seriously.

Kayla thought about it and smiled.

“This is the only time.” Kayla said.

“You basically had to drag me onstage that night.” Kayla replied as she smiled at the memory of that night.

“Only after about a minute!” Maggie replied with a laugh.

Kayla watched as Maggie explained to the M.C. what they wanted to do. The M.C. smiled and waved at two other women standing at the side.

“Grab two of the Sybians and set them up onstage.” The M.C. said with a smile.

As the two assistants did as they were told, the M.C. looked at Kayla and Maggie.

“Alright ladies, strip down please.” The M.C. said.

“That was the first ever time I was naked in front of a bunch of other people.” Kayla said at the memory.

“And the first time we’ve ever orgasmed in front of a crowd.” Maggie replied.

“Oh God!” Kayla said with a laugh.

“We said that a lot on that night and the nights after that.” Maggie replied with a laugh herself.

“Alright ladies! We have a special treat tonight. A couple of young ladies on a road trip. They have a little bet with each other. Now we are going to make it interesting. I need two volunteers.” The M.C. said.

Kayla watched as two beautiful women came onstage.

“Kayla and Maggie, take your positions please.” The M.C. said and Kayla and Maggie stood behind their respective spots.

The M.C. introduced them and then stated the rules.

“Take your positions ladies. Now both will be brought to orgasm. The second one who does wins their bet, but the first volunteer to bring their person to orgasm will win a 100 dollar gift card to the bar.” The M.C. said.

Kayla had positioned herself on her Sybian. As she knelt there, she noticed bets being made among the other women.

“On three! Three, two, one, BEGIN!” The M.C. said.

The Sybian was turned on and the feeling of it made Kayla gasp in pleasure.

“Oh GOD!” Kayla moaned as the lady controlling it started to cause it to pulse.

Kayla stole a quick glance at Maggie and she saw a smile on her friend’s face.

“Mmmmm! Just like that!” Maggie moaned.

Just then Kayla felt a sharp increase in the vibrations.

“Oh God, YES!” She moaned as she started to feel an orgasm well up inside of her.

Just then she felt Maggie’s hand grab hers and Kayla began to orgasm.

“Oh God, Oh God, OH GOD YES! I’M CUMMING!” Kayla screamed in delight as the orgasm took over. Just then Maggie orgasmed herself.

“Well it looks like Kayla lost, but now one ever really loses when she has an orgasm!” The M.C. said as they caught their breath and left the stage.

“That was a great night.” Maggie replied with a smile.

“Especially after.” Kayla replied as they walked into the house.

That night they returned to their hotel room.

“You know what is better than one orgasm? Multiples!” Maggie said as she pushed Kayla onto the bed.

That night they didn’t get much sleep as they both had multiple orgasms throughout the night.

As Kayla changed she smiled at the memory of that night. No matter what they did during the day, at night it was always the same. They even decided to buy some toys to spice up their activities.

Kayla walked out of her room and saw that Maggie was waiting for her.

“I hired a car for tonight. That way we can drink a bit more tonight.” Maggie said as they left.

During the ride and dinner, Kayla felt like she was on a date. Not on a date with an old friend but a date with someone who understood her.

At the restaurant she let Maggie order for her. As they ate desert, Maggie looked at Kayla and said,

“This club we are going to is one that has its grand opening tonight. I invested in it so I am a part owner. Anything you want, you can have tonight.”

“Including you?” Kayla asked innocently.

“Especially me!” Maggie replied with a mischievous smile.

They left the restaurant and they held hands with each other. Maggie had noticed a shift with Kayla. She still loved Kayla and that was one of the reasons she never really had another relationship with someone else.

When they arrived at the bar, Maggie introduced Kayla to everyone with the words,

“Anything she wants, she gets.”

As the people started to come into the club, it became crowded fast. Kayla noticed that Maggie only really danced with her even though others wanted to dance with Maggie.

At midnight they kissed and the empty feeling Kayla had been feeling left her. She knew Maggie was a friend, but she was more than that. She had pushed Kayla outside of her shell. They shared their feelings with each other. They watched the sun rise over the Atlantic, with the promise of watching the sun set over the Pacific together.

When they separated from their kiss, Kayla looked at Maggie.

January 1 12:02 AM

“Maggie, when we were 19, you told me you loved me. I want to say, I love you too. More than just a friend.” Kayla said with tears in her eyes.

Maggie’s eyes went up in shock.

“You have always been there for me no matter what. I don’t want to be just your girlfriend. I want more than that. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” Kayla said while still crying.

“Are you proposing to me?!” Maggie asked shocked.

“Yes. I wish I had a ring to give you, but yes I’m proposing.” Kayla replied.

Maggie didn’t say a word. She just kissed her fiance with a passion they had never shown in public.

That night they sat on a beach in California and watched the sunset together, arm in arm, hand in hand, and lips locked together.




