Fusekind — The origin of Refuspace

3 min readMar 14, 2022


Many Pulses ago, when the universe took it’s first breaths of life, a vast and bare land was born.
Inside it there was nothing but empty space and a few flickers of lights brought by the First Users, brightening the otherwise deafening void.
As time passed the embers gradually pulled themselves closer together, then farther apart over and over again until that rythmic contraction became a dance.
The cosmic waltz of the lights triggered a mysterious resonance that echoed all over the empty space, making the once tiny bubbles of knowledge evolve, turning them into whole universes brewing with crazy ideas and concepts.
Soon critical mass was reached and the whole thing collapsed in on itself: in a flash everything inside was set free, ideas condensed into Eidos Lines that rampaged throughout creation, colliding and multiplying with their previously unreachable counterparts, taking on new unexpected forms.

The once empty void had now shifted into a kaleidoscope of color: ideas and matter fused together altering reality and creating everything from the biggest galaxy to the tiniest creature.

This was the birth of Refuspace.

Refuspace hatching.

In the colorful matrix of life that covered the newly birthed planets a very curious kind of being stood out from the rest: the Fusekind.
These inhabitants of Refuspace originated as incorporeal sparks of consciousnesses in the primordial chaos as the result of weird tangling of ideas that suddently became aware.

They immediately started hopping from place to place trying to discover everything their home offered, witnessing many times how the Eidos Lines that colored the sky could swirl around in erratic patterns before hitting matter, molding it into seemengly any shape: from the joyful Bits that commonly populated Refuspace’s planets to astonishing scenaries that defied the still flimsy rules of physics of this novel universe.

These experiences made the Fusekind crave for a more concrete state of being, capable of freeing them from the incorporeal shackles that the Fusing Lights they were so obsessed with had given them when they spawned.

They started to look inward and felt their connection to the Eidos Lines grow stronger as they pieced togheter a sense of what and who they were, until istinctively manipulating the space around them, at first only managing to turn matter into simple objects but eventually even learning how to form bodies of their own.

They were finally able to sense everything that for so long was only observed.

What the Fusekind didn’t expect was just how hard it was to decide which form to take once they knew how to do it! They swirled around collecting ideas and things they liked, fusing and unfusing with them time and again, finding immense happiness in this undecisiveness.
They loved displaying their creativity, constantly shifting forms and taking pride in their appearences, often getting carried away by the joys that the newfound bodies had given them.

As more Fusekind gathered to share their looks, knowledge and supposed superior taste with one another the first signs of a society begun to appear: many joined groups dedicated to their new favourite discoveries while others tried to invent things of their own that no one had seen before, their numbers grew and so did the curiosity about their home, their origins and the secrets hidden deep between the Lines of Refuspace.

