Rent Strike… but why?

Rent Strike Bozeman
3 min readApr 7, 2020


We are facing a unique crisis, and we’re not alone in calling for a rent strike. COVID-19 sweeps the nation, while intense social distancing measures are implemented to slow the spread and working people struggle to afford basic necessities. Our healthcare system is stretched to the breaking point by this pandemic and those who are sick but unable to afford treatment are left to die. Public health experts indicate the best course of action is to #StayHome — not doing so will come with a very real human cost. Unemployment rates as a result of the economic crisis are unprecedented. At this time when people are asked to stay at home, we must ensure everyone has access, and does not lose access, to habitable housing.

It’s not rocket surgery: renters cannot pay with money they don’t have

With no wages and no other reliable source of income, tenants can’t be expected to continue paying monthly rent as normal. Governor Bullock issued an order on March 30th, which:

  • Prohibits landlords from terminating a lease or refusing to renew/extend the terms of a current lease agreement through April 10th (recently extended to April 24th).
  • Prohibits late fees or other penalties due to late or nonpayment of rent, prohibits rent increases except for those previously agreed upon and prohibits landlords from seeking damages in court due to nonpayment of rent.
  • Prohibits suspension of utilities during the emergency and prohibits late fees for bills due — this includes electricity, gas, sewage disposal, water, telephone, and internet services.
  • Asks that all courts stay currently pending evictions.

Current moratoriums on evictions and utility shut offs protect renters from immediate threat of losing their home or having their utilities shut off, as long as the moratorium remains in place. The moratorium alone doesn’t prevent renters from owing back-payment once they’re lifted. That’s why we are pushing for rent and debt cancellation, so people are not facing insurmountable debt on the other end of this crisis.

Eviction and utility suspensions are positive steps, but are insufficient for keeping people housed, as we’ve already seen in Portland, OR:

A moratorium on evictions is a start, but a rent freeze is what is needed.

Given that suspending evictions is clearly not enough, we must demand that Governor Bullock and other local and state officials freeze rents and mortgages. We encourage everyone to write a letter to the editor and ask your local officials and state legislators for these specific actions:

  1. Will you publicly call on commercial and residential landlords to waive or reduce rents as much as possible?
  2. Will you urge Governor Bullock to use his emergency powers to suspend rent and mortgage payments (including commercial leases for small businesses) so that our essential workers are protected and others can safely stay home?

Every person who can’t afford to stay home in the coming weeks will become a walking threat to public health. To stay home, one needs a home to stay in — housing is a human right after all, and keeping people housed makes everyone in the community safer.

To exploit vulnerable people amid this global pandemic is predatory behavior.

If a rent and mortgage freeze cannot be established, there is little option left to countless renters across the country but to band together and act in solidarity to stay in their homes when they inevitably can’t keep paying bills.

You’re not alone — we’re here to help.



Rent Strike Bozeman

Our goal is to keep people housed. 🏠⬅️👪👴👵