Make $ by Renting @ Rentything! #RentGetPaid

2 min readJan 8, 2018


The emergence of blockchain technology and virtual currencies opens up opportunities to create truly global marketplaces that are not restricted by factors such as regional currencies. This trend builds on the global expansion of peer-to-peer (P2P) sharing marketplaces and on-demand services.

The Rentything platform aims to create the world’s first global P2P rental marketplace that utilizes its own cryptocurrency, RentyCoin, to create value for owners and renters. RentyCoin is built on blockchain technology supported by a distributed network, providing a secure platform for verifying user identity, credit scoring, and enforcing transactions.

As a rental marketplace established in 2012, Rentything new platform landing page has already attracted thousands of subscribers. The goal of Rentything is to reduce the risk and costs of rentals for owners and renters to facilitate the next evolution of the sharing economy for any item users want to list.

Using a single currency, we remove transaction costs from payment gateways and financial institutions for a global user base. In addition, our renting platform is no longer just a single instance database but a truly secure, trustable, innovative, robust, stable, reliable, transparent P2P distributed online renting platform.

The new Rentything Platform will have the following features:

  • User tokens that users are the sole owners of and can also profit off of opt-in authorized data sales
  • A proprietary renter scoring system
  • RentyCoin (RTC) currency based on EIP-20 used for all Rentything transactions and available for use on other marketplaces in the future

This initial coin offering (ICO) is meant to convert our business into a truly decentralized token ecosystem that drives the growth of the Rentything P2P marketplace and provides the capital which will allow us to address the growing international demand for Rentything.

We will introduce RentyCoin in the crowdsale. At that time, 50,000,000 RentyCoin will be issued once, representing 51% of funds available to crowdsale contributors.




The world’s first decentralized peer-to-peer (P2P) online renting platform using blockchain.