Meaning making? What does it mean?

4 min readJan 18, 2024


A guide to semiotics through ‘Take on Me’ by A-ha.

Ever found yourself lost in the labyrinth of fancy terms like semiotics, linguistics, and the like? Well, fear not, because in the end, it all boils down to one thing — meaning. In a world where telepathy is but a dream, expressing ourselves precisely becomes an art form. Let’s cut through the jargon and get straight to the heart of the matter. So, buckle up, hit play on “Take on Me,” and let’s dive into the world of meaning-making.

The music video for “Take on Me” by A-ha unfolds a timeless tale of love. Picture this: Mortem Harket and Bunty Bailey navigating their new-found relationship through the obstacles and challenges, which brings us to the first concept of Signifier and Signified. The real-world setting with its black-and-white color scheme, the characters’ interactions, and the physical objects in the environment all serve as signifiers. Additionally, the animated or comic book-style sequences, characterized by vibrant colors and dynamic visuals, act as distinct signifiers. He signified in the music video involves the narrative and emotional elements. In the real-world scenes, the signified may include themes of mundane reality and unfulfilled romance while the animated sequences represent an imaginative and idealized world, where the characters escape into a vibrant and romanticized reality. The signified here involves notions of fantasy, escapism and the transformative power of love. Can you find another example? Yes, the iconic window scene counts too! The signifier being the window itself and the signified being the gap between them and how they’re trying to break the fourth wall. The video deliberately blurs the boundaries between the signifier and signified, especially during the moments when the characters transition between the two worlds. This blurring enhances the sense of a fluid and interconnected narrative, where the distinction between reality and fantasy becomes less defined.

In semiotics, sound and music are considered sign systems as well. The emotional tone and rhythm of “Take on Me” contribute significantly to the overall semiotic experience. The music complements the visuals- and it also seems to get more intense depending on the scene.

Now, the concepts of sign, symbol, and icon refer to different types of relationships between a signifier (the form) and a signified (the meaning). The signs in the video are numerous — from the characters and their actions to the settings and transitions between worlds. The icons in the animated sequences serve as visual metaphors that amplify the emotions portrayed in the real-world scenes. The transition between the real world and the animated world can be seen as a symbolic representation of emotional and narrative transformation. The signs, symbols and icons help to construct a multi-layered narrative.

Now, let’s talk about notations-denotations and connotations. The denotative representation of transformation is evident when the characters shift between the live-action and animated worlds. This transformation symbolizes a journey or a transition from one state of being to another. The visual style of the animation, reminiscent of comic book art, can evoke a sense of nostalgia for viewers, particularly those who grew up with comic books in the 1980s. This adds an emotional layer to the connotations of the video. Now, the connotations you and I have will differ based on personal choices, perspectives and experiences but one thing will stay the same- the fact that their chemistry on screen is undeniable!

  • Semiotic Elements: Sketches and doodles appear throughout the video, emphasizing the artistic process.
  • Symbols: These elements reinforce the idea that love and relationships are a creative process. The imperfections in the sketches may symbolize the complexities of real-life relationships.
  • Semiotic Elements: The video concludes with the characters embracing as the comic book world fades away.
  • Symbols: The embrace signifies the resolution of the romantic tension. The fading comic book world suggests that, while the fantastical journey was exhilarating, the ultimate goal is the connection between the two individuals in the real world.

The examples are unlimited- but our patience isn’t. We could analyze every single frame in the music video and find a variety of different meanings. Thats the fun of semiotics- it is never-ending! And as much as i want this blog to never end, it isn’t semiotics but just a brief introduction to it.

